With the new season on the rise and “Defend The North” passed, Mezza and Crashtag start to talk about a few important issues regarding the gaming companies of the FGC. Hands on in-depth talk about how GGXRD:Revalator’s returning character Dizzy and SFV’s latest challenger Juri are effecting the current games meta and direction. They also approach with a new segment called Focus attack, and Mezza checks out the local regional NJ Quarterly Rapport!


Andres Mirandes

Video gaming runs in his blood and competition plagues his mind. From the earliest days in the now extinct arcades, to the eSports competitive scene, he looks forward to the next game to test his skills. No stranger to rising salt levels.

Jeremiah Ward

Got his start gaming with his two cousins and brother at his aunts house. They had to always play in secret, but he fell in love with fighting games when he got his first taste of an arcade in Maryland. Now looks to grow the community.

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Squad Goals #86: Temu Furiosa
February 13th, 2025

We head to Kadara, home of warlord Sloane Kelly, the suave Reyes Vidal, and sycophant sister Cassandra Verner!