Eddy in Tekken, TWT Concludes, and DRM Troubles
We check out Tekken 8's opening cinematics, Eddy Gordo, tournament results, SF6 arcades, Pixar mods and DRM conversation....
Tekken World Tour Global Finals details, including anticipation for a Tekken 8 DLC character trailer, are discussed. Street Fighter 6 teases Akuma’s return, fueling speculation on his playstyle and release timing. Street Fighter 6 cabinets appearing in Round1 arcades raise possibilities for local tournaments. The announcement of a Hunter x Hunter fighting game prompts speculation on its 2D or 3D nature. Qanba has announced a new arcade desk for home use and we discuss it’s viability and usability. A user on X, AkitoBass, shared a mod that adds a frame meter to Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising and we view a Marvel Cinematic Universe mod for Mortal Kombat 1. In our focus attack, we discuss a recent topic on X regarding toxicity within the FGC when it comes to newer players, but also highlight the welcoming side of the community.
Video gaming runs in his blood and competition plagues his mind. From the earliest days in the now extinct arcades, to the eSports competitive scene, he looks forward to the next game to test his skills. No stranger to rising salt levels.
I've been playing video games for a while now. I enjoy racing games, RPGs, but spend most of my time with fighting games. My first goal was to get better than my brothers, but now I strive to be better than most while also teaching others.
Rounding up the second 7.2 Live Letter preview and patch notes just prior to release.
Jaal doesn't want Ryder to kill Akksul, but maybe Ryder has an itchy trigger finger. And by Ryder we mean Nick.
We meet David and his cult, while Ellie tries to keep her and Joel alive.
Evo leaderboards, Evo cost breakdown, new character content from Guilty Gear Strive and Mortal Kombat, plus changes to Capcom Cup 12.
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