News for Melty, Strive, and DBFZ, an Old Film, and PL Tourney
We are back, starting with Melty, Strive, DBFZ, SFV news, an old film returns, Genesis returns and PL runs a tourney!...
Crashtag and StaticGorilla are a bit late but are back with another episode of Double Tap. In the Fighters Corner, Melty Blood announced that they will be dropping a patch with two new characters and KOF announces Kula who is on a new team. Then DBFZ has some hype money matches, and Capcom Cup will no longer be in person. In the Randoms of the FGC, we look at the Fighting Game Anniversaries, the new Rivals Of Aether, and MadCatz kicks off their new arcade stick. Finally, we finish the show with the Focus Attack based on your characters, and ask the question, “What do my mains say about me?”
Video gaming runs in his blood and competition plagues his mind. From the earliest days in the now extinct arcades, to the eSports competitive scene, he looks forward to the next game to test his skills. No stranger to rising salt levels.
I've been playing video games for a while now. I enjoy racing games, RPGs, but spend most of my time with fighting games. My first goal was to get better than my brothers, but now I strive to be better than most while also teaching others.
We discuss new Mai details, what went wrong with Multiversus, the City of the Wolves open beta, and Pink Floyd in MK1.
Bioware suffered a reorginization as the company prepares for Mass Effect 5 and Veilguard "underperformed."
Meeting FEDRA, Tess, Ellie, Marlene, and the Boston QZ
We're back again to dive into Season 1 of The Last of US TV Show!
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