How can I hold all these Tournaments?!
SoCal Regionals, street food, and some exciting character and costume reveals....
So many updates coming flying in from left and right as Crashtag and Mezza try to cover it all, from professional wrestlers parrying full supers to top players going head to head in ESL funded Tournaments. CrashTag throws what he thinks may be his top 3 picks for Injustice 2 Batman characters, and Mezza think MVC4 needs more Mrs. Marvel and Rouge. MKX-XL, and GG:XRD get a true over haul on their character balancing and additional moves. Inflitration gets a new view from above as he partners up with Viewsonic, and Twitch Prime talk seems to be kicking FGC players into high gear to stream more.
Got his start gaming with his two cousins and brother at his aunts house. They had to always play in secret, but he fell in love with fighting games when he got his first taste of an arcade in Maryland. Now looks to grow the community.
Video gaming runs in his blood and competition plagues his mind. From the earliest days in the now extinct arcades, to the eSports competitive scene, he looks forward to the next game to test his skills. No stranger to rising salt levels.
Is the War Within the best expansion ever??? The gang is enjoying the game so far but we'll see if that can hold up...
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined once again by TableSlam and Kef to talk Classic+
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests TableSlam and Kef for a lively discussion focused on Season of Discovery!
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