BBQ Pro Tour Time!
Capcom Pro Tour is here finally, Geese Howard Touch of Death, DBFZ gets Kid Buu, Adult Gohan, Gotenks, We are venom returns and more!...
Presents for you all! You asked for a patch? No? Doesn’t matter because the Double Tap boys are back in the building with some early christmas presents. Turning it up with another exciting episode of updates. Mezza kicks it off with some Arcsystem’s Blazblue Cross Tag Battle with the trailer of Gordeau of Under Night In Birth EXE La(ST), Yukiko of Persona 4 arena and Azrael Blazblue’s heavy hitter. Namco Jumps in the fray as CrashTag gives his thoughts and reactions on Noctis being a playable fighter in the Iron Fist tournament of Tekken 7. King also has something to say as he tags in a known manga main character of Ultimate Muscle. KinnikuMan’s special move Kinniku Buster gets used by King on Noctis as a welcoming party call.
NetherRealms never to be counted out. They release their patch notes and fixes. Sadly Hellboy has a few more bugs then expected and it wouldn’t be NetherRealms with out a trailer reveal. Enchantress, The Atom, and TMNT trailer video was announced. Airika Myster… We mean Fighting Ex Layer is now officially having an open beta test on December 11th and they also released a character trailer for Shirase! SNK keeps the strong push behind sales and character development with some new stage artwork. SquareEnix jumps in with not gameplay updates but a fantasy tournament as long as you preorder. Namco/Arcsys makes a full circle back with their hottest game on the market. Dragonball Fighter Z brings us Kid Buu, Adult Gohan, and Gotenks snippets.
Pokken Tournamanet DX finally gets a proper patch update to known issues but also a training room recorder! Capcom finishes off the updates with Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite patch. Also better known as death to dante and reality stone. Street Fighter V finally gets a Arcade Edition trailer and will release January 16th. Christmas costumes are hanging over our heads as well and SFV:AE will be playable at Playstation Experience. In Randoms of the FGC we talk about Sector-K games and there newly illustrated game Punch Planet. We give a moment of silence for Hiromi Tsuru (Bulma’s Japanese Voice Actor) who just passed.
Last but not least we let you know DoubleTap is coming to Japan! As always a Focus Attack is important and the team touches base on some major game leaks and if they are even reasonable or just for fun. Hot Mod Highlights this week consist of TheJamk bringing us Ms Marvel as R. Mika and Yasha mod from Asura’s Wrath as Ken Masters. Last Khaledantar666 with the tricky Ann Takamaki from Persona 5 as Karin.
Video gaming runs in his blood and competition plagues his mind. From the earliest days in the now extinct arcades, to the eSports competitive scene, he looks forward to the next game to test his skills. No stranger to rising salt levels.
Rounding up the second 7.2 Live Letter preview and patch notes just prior to release.
Jaal doesn't want Ryder to kill Akksul, but maybe Ryder has an itchy trigger finger. And by Ryder we mean Nick.
We meet David and his cult, while Ellie tries to keep her and Joel alive.
Evo leaderboards, Evo cost breakdown, new character content from Guilty Gear Strive and Mortal Kombat, plus changes to Capcom Cup 12.
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