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Blazblue Cross Tag is Live, Dragon Ball Fighter Z patch is live, Gunvolt & Cave Story are officially playable characters in Blade Strangers, Swedish Delight gets an OG sponsor and More!...
Vegito Blue is offically announced along side Zamasu (Fused). The world is going Dragonball crazy and the DoubleTap guys are just sipping their coffee as they prepare for a big break down this week. In game updates BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle gets early game access through pre-ordering. SNK drops more characters for Heroines. They released a trailer for Sylvie and Zarina from King of Fighters 14! Bandai graces us with a trailer of the god him self Vegito Blue. Mezza is in awe from some of the moves. IkevinX gives us move references and where they come from.
Soulcailbur VI see’s another life with Taki joining the fight again in a really awesome showcased trailer. Amazon has got to be wrong or someones getting fired with that random release date for Soulcalibur VI. Arcsystem jumps into the switch world with a Guilty Gear Accent Core R Plus release. Fighting Ex Layer has finally woke back up and given people some trailers for version choices to preorder their game. Capcom has released Faulke and the team wants to get some more impressions now that it has been a week long. In the Randoms of the FGC Nintendo’s E3 plans are very intriguing with what they revealed. Geico is bringing more Online Tournaments but this time for Street Fighter V and Tekken 7.
Panda Global is following suit since the announcement of Summit of Power for Dragon Ball Fighterz. Now we will see A PGFighterZ League featuring Nakkiel as the host. Mr. Wizard still hiding numbers but saying Evo Leaderboards looking pretty far away in numbers for Dragon Ball FighterZ. AnimeEvo registration is now live go! go! Summit of Power voting is now open as well! ForeverKing brings us more NRS hype moments! In the Plug and Play the team does a preference compare and contrast tech talk. Sanwa or Semistu what do you think?
The Focus Attack is the meat of it all though as Mezza & CrashTag give their overall thoughts and impressions about DBFZ and if it is meeting the standards that was expected. In the Mod Highlights we got Cross Overs, Violent Ken, Black Panther and Ada wong all being show cased in Street Fighter V and more!.
Video gaming runs in his blood and competition plagues his mind. From the earliest days in the now extinct arcades, to the eSports competitive scene, he looks forward to the next game to test his skills. No stranger to rising salt levels.
Rounding up the second 7.2 Live Letter preview and patch notes just prior to release.
Jaal doesn't want Ryder to kill Akksul, but maybe Ryder has an itchy trigger finger. And by Ryder we mean Nick.
We meet David and his cult, while Ellie tries to keep her and Joel alive.
Evo leaderboards, Evo cost breakdown, new character content from Guilty Gear Strive and Mortal Kombat, plus changes to Capcom Cup 12.
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