The Spicy Bois tag team the notes of Patch 3.1 to discuss the OP projectile width of the Peacekeeper (and other guns not many care about), the quality of life enhancements, and character improvements (#cryptoisking). We tackle the Information Boogaloo and rumored reduction of OPness of Revenant (subject of datamined info) along with the multiple items the Spicy Bois will eventually use to become Elite Apex Legends! Lastly, we answer community questions focused on the characters in the game and create characters that will never have hope of being added to the game…#sadday. KEEP DROPPING SPICY!!!


Josh Kinder

9 year podcast veteran, former host on The SOGOpod, Fragging Out, and Watchpoint Radio. Kinder has been gaming since before he could walk, and specializes in gaming industry insight, development commentary, and toilet humor!

Garret Seay

Hello, Garrett here, but the video gaming community knows me by Geo. My PC story started out with Overwatch and now it’s begun to expand to games like Apex Legends. Join me as we rock the video gaming world! Origins gamertag: BeardedPoggers

Cory Treadway

Cory has been gaming ever since he fished an NES out of a trash can. A broad gamer who enjoys everything from FPS, Racing, RPGs, MMOS, RTS, World Building, Puzzles, Dating, Horror, Cooking, Sports. If its a game I will give it a try.

The Latest from Mash

Squad Goals #88: Still on Kadara
February 28th, 2025

WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!