A Controller with WASD?
This week the Spicy Bois talk about keyboard and mouse vs controllers, and a lifeline passive idea....
This episode, the boys take a step back and have some discussion about tidbits of news, ALGS happenings, and the general state of the game. We go over a micro patch with some important hotfixes, some apparent references to another well-known IP, new ALGS teams put under contract with Moist Esports, possible heirlooms, and a small discussion about weapon meta.
9 year podcast veteran, former host on The SOGOpod, Fragging Out, and Watchpoint Radio. Kinder has been gaming since before he could walk, and specializes in gaming industry insight, development commentary, and toilet humor!
Liam makes poor choices and Cora identifies a little too much with the Asari. Time to make sure we have their loyalty!
Summarizing the 85th Live Letter, which is part 1 of announcing patch 7.2 features.
Joel and Ellie find Tommy, meet his wife, and Joel has a breakdown.
H-074C may not the Turian homeworld but it is home to Vetra's loyalty mission and the toughest fight in the game.
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