Bungie, I Think You're Leaking.
Destiny 2, elemental primaries, and raid challenges....
The In Orbit team is joined by video game streamer ContraBang as they discuss Destiny patch 2.6.0, Age of Triumph. More information is provided this week by Bungie who showed how the activities and Eververse will be changing come Age of Triumph. We discuss the Weekly Story Playlist, which is now a great source for anyone seeking legendary marks, and how Nightfalls will be changing now that there is a new “Daybreak” modifier — a similar modifier to PVP’s Mayhem modifier which allows for quick charging abilities (supers, grenades, and melees).
David and ContraBang get into a big conversation on how many things that have lead up to where we are now in the game have impacted the game, and what the direction that we would like the game to go moving forward. We also slightly discuss the teaser left by deej at the end of the TWAB heavily hinting at the return of elemental legendary primaries!
Born in the 80's, given a NES and Gameboy at a young age, Jorge grew up in gaming and experienced gaming in many cultures due to moving around the world. Now in New Jersey, an older Jorge continues his journey in gaming. Adobo included.
Been gaming since birth and he\'s not gonna stop now. Call of Duty was the first shooter that pulled him in and his love for shooters has developed into a love of Destiny. He\'s now a Guardian, proud to protect the traveler and slay my foes in Crucible.
A former professional cyclist, gaming has always been Jordan\\\'s preferred method of stress-relief. Traditionally an action RPG\\\'er, he has recently been ensnared in the modern MMO/RPG/FPS genre, and talks about it as a host of In Orbit.
Rei and Eric are acheiving things, Kura is crafting, and Nick says that all these rewards are not enough.
Plundestorm and Turbulent TImeways are up, but we can't stop going back to Dragonflight. What's old is new again!
The outbreak in Jakarta, the aftermath of the outbreak in Boston, and our first look at Clickers.
We finally let the Moshae go home to reveal the secret of Aya's vault. Also, we are now free to move about the city.
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