The Purgatory Between Expansions
We waited all day for Patch 11.0, but at least we had our CE's to keep us occupied. Were they worth it?...
Nick, Rei, Eric, and Kura are back and with Patch 11.0 fast approaching on July 23rd, its time for a quiz to see what we all know about it! Nick begins with a slight tangent about when the end of the expansion ends technically, and then Rei talks about what she has been doing in the game. Rei talks about how the guild is getting new members applying, and even some old members returning, with the expansion approaching, and she is sorting through those. She also talks about how a quest bugged her character when her power blipped out for a moment.
Then, Eric talks about clearing heroic and normal Aberrus in one night. He and Nick then get into a discussion about Mists of Pandaria Remix, where Nick reviews the fastest way to level to 70 in about three hours and also talks about going AFK in LFR. He also talks about how he is earning bronze and that there should still be enough time to get what you want. They also talk about how fast some of the characters go making raiding and dungeon running trivial.
Kura and Eric then talk about tanking as a blood death knight. Kura also mentions that he had to play his Augmentation Evoker with his weak auras broken. He also mentions using the Narcisus add-in for tracking various items in Remix.
Next, it is time to find out what is coming in the Patch 11.0 Quiz! How well will you do?
They also mention the Courier Owl mount on the store.
Finally, they look back 100 episodes at #169, when the Shadowlands pre-patch was upon us.
Thank you for listening to WoW! Talk! Our next live show is scheduled for July 29th 2024 at 10:30 pm E at For any scheduling updates, please follow us on X @wowtalkmtb. Send any emails about your thoughts or feedback to
Host of WoW! Talk! and The Tauren & The Goblin. Sometimes known as the Video Games Public Defender. Wants to play more Destiny and Marvel Heroes but WoW is all-consuming. Decent F2P Hearthstone player. Sad that he lost the Wii that had Wrecking Crew on it. Would be happy if the only game ever made was M.U.L.E. Gragtharr on Skywall-US. Garresque on Ravencrest-US.
Rei is the 1 of the 5 SEELE members and the Ops Director at MTB. She enjoys anime, baking, cooking, gaming ( fighting, puzzle, rhythm, RPGs ), and spending WAY too much time working on spreadsheets. Current Games: Tales of Crestoria, WoW
Auto mechanic, car enthusiast, gamer, runner and almost never serious, Eric has been ditching responsibilities and gaming since age 7. His favorite genres are FPS and racing, although most of his game time is currently spent on WoW
This week we return to Eos where there's Kett, a place named Advent, children in one form or another, and an Architect!
We continue our slow tour through the Dawntrial story, and also have some fun chaotic commentary.
We welcome 2025 with some fresh patch notes for 11.1! Also, there are bugs on Siren's Isle!
Ryder and team may have missed out on the events of ME2 by leaving the galaxy but the Kett are determined to fix that.
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