The Corruptor Demon and Leaving the Embrace
It's time to leave Mother's Embrace, but before we do that, we have to deal with a demon....
In this episode we finally enter Mother’s Heart. Aloy has trained for The Proving most of her life, and it’s almost here! After living in the wilds her entire life, Aloy gets to see how the other Nora live. She meets High Matriarch Teersa, see Teb again after a long time, and sees outlanders for the first time. The Carja and Oseram are here from the Carja Sundom to observe The Proving, but tensions are high due to the Carja’s conducting The Red Raids. This is all new to Aloy, so we learn a lot about the Nora, Carja, Oseram, and the political state of Horizon Zero Dawn.
Jarret is Executive Director as well as one of the founding members of Mash Those Buttons. He plays all types of games, but tends to lean more toward FPS, Stealth, and Combat games.
Gaming has been a core part throughout Poptarts life. Though her specialty is JRPGs, she tries to branch out and try new things. Most of her time gets put into the MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV, but she still finds time to play new games.
For our 400th episode, we're sharing our takes on the FGC and fighting games from the past 10 years, and discuss what we want to see in the next 10.
We discuss the connections between character designs, martial arts inspirations, and player experiences in fighting games with Blackmore2323.
Welcome to Havarl! They've got Turians and missing monoliths and reincarnated Angaran! Just watch out for the Eiroch!
Ryder heads to Aya and meets the Angara. Surely this has to go better than first contact with the Kett, right?
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