We’re joined by BlazzinBob to talk about the bevy of mid-season pickups from around the league. We begin with a rush of moves from the Washington Justice as they complete their transition to a full Korean roster. We look at the releases of Ellivote and JohnGalt, and discuss their careers with the team as well as their future prospects. We also discuss Hangzhou Spark’s signing of Pajion to an Assitant Coach role as well as Numlocked transferring from a coach to a player position with the Toronto Defiant. We also speculate on Haksal’s new role on the New York Excelsior, and bid farewell to ZachaREE as he leaves Overwatch League to pursue a career in Valorant.


Julian Quezada

Julian is an Overwatch podcaster and host of Push the Point. He's an avid fan of Disney movies, Star Wars, and losing SR points. You can typically find him watching/playing Overwatch, or watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

Chris Lobosco

LoBosco is an esports broadcaster who has wandered his way over to podcasting. As if casting every chance he can wasn't enough, now he wants to talk about Overwatch League as much as he casts. You can hear him with Ramses on Push the Point.

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Squad Goals #88: Still on Kadara
February 28th, 2025

WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!