Overwatch League is finally back and Rames and LoBosco are returning with all the important info you need! We start off with some housekeeping announcements as Push the Point sees several major changes, including weekly Sunday night streams. We discuss our feelings about the start of Season 4 before launching into this week’s big news.

We breakdown the final trickles of player movement as visa issues lead to some important additions and releases. We also cover the Season 4 broadcast team, both the desk and the broadcasting duos, and talk about what we’re excited to see from OWL production in 2021. We also take a brief look at the OWL pick’ems launch, including our own podcast hosted pick’me contest that you can find in the shownotes below.

Next up, we break down our individual power rankings. Each host vouches for their set of standings as we talk about where some of the less certain teams may end up. From here, we give a preview of Week 1 of the regular season. We point out which games we’re excited to watch and which teams to keep an eye on.


Julian Quezada

Julian is an Overwatch podcaster and host of Push the Point. He's an avid fan of Disney movies, Star Wars, and losing SR points. You can typically find him watching/playing Overwatch, or watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

Chris Lobosco

LoBosco is an esports broadcaster who has wandered his way over to podcasting. As if casting every chance he can wasn't enough, now he wants to talk about Overwatch League as much as he casts. You can hear him with Ramses on Push the Point.

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February 28th, 2025

WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!