Mr. Bad Decisions and Lil' Miss Cultural Appropriation
Liam makes poor choices and Cora identifies a little too much with the Asari. Time to make sure we have their loyalty!...
Nick, Chip, and Kurabara are back talking about Mass Effect Andromeda. This week they return to Aya where the Initiative has arrived and conflict is brewing! They talk about some of the Angaran wanting to stay on the Nexus and the system that keeps the Angaran on Aya. After going over some other quests, they then talk about Jaal’s loyalty mission. Then they get into a tangent about the economics of the Andromeda galaxy.
Thank you for listening to Squad Goals – A Mass Effect Andromeda Podcast! Please send any comments or questions to
Host of WoW! Talk! and The Tauren & The Goblin. Sometimes known as the Video Games Public Defender. Wants to play more Destiny and Marvel Heroes but WoW is all-consuming. Decent F2P Hearthstone player. Sad that he lost the Wii that had Wrecking Crew on it. Would be happy if the only game ever made was M.U.L.E. Gragtharr on Skywall-US. Garresque on Ravencrest-US.
Chip has a boring adult day job and then burns as much free time as possible playing the videos james. Fond of a variety of MMOs, JRPGs, and action games without active time button mashing.
Rounding up the second 7.2 Live Letter preview and patch notes just prior to release.
Jaal doesn't want Ryder to kill Akksul, but maybe Ryder has an itchy trigger finger. And by Ryder we mean Nick.
We meet David and his cult, while Ellie tries to keep her and Joel alive.
Evo leaderboards, Evo cost breakdown, new character content from Guilty Gear Strive and Mortal Kombat, plus changes to Capcom Cup 12.
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