Hardcore All Stars & Hardcore Servers ft. Bobka & Ahmpy
Ahmpy & Bobka join the crew to breakdown everything Classic Hardcore!...
In episode 151 of Warcraft Reloaded Podcast, the hosts dive into various topics related to World of Warcraft, including listener voicemail questions, World of Warcraft Classic updates, PTR testing, BlizzCon 2023 details, and an addon recommendation.
The episode kicks off at 0:11:54 with a discussion on listener voicemail questions. The hosts address inquiries about the Random Dungeon Finder and possible issues with the modern WoW user interface.
At 0:47:38, the hosts talk about their recent adventures in World of Warcraft Classic. They share their experiences and discuss what they’ve been up to in the game lately, engaging in nostalgic conversations about the WoW Classic.
Next, at 1:09:26, the hosts delve into the Call of the Crusade PTR.
The discussion continues with Patch 3.4.2 PTR Testing, which begins on May 4th. The hosts highlight the features being tested, including the Trial of the Crusader Raid, Isle of Conquest, and Titan Rune Dungeon. They discuss the implications of these updates for players and the overall gameplay experience. They also mention the WotLK Classic 3.4.2 PTR being updated to the Dragonflight Client.
At 1:32:17, the hosts announce the addition of the Glyph of Omen of Clarity to WotLK Classic 3.4.2 PTR. They delve into the details of this new glyph, analyzing its potential impact on gameplay and player choices.
Exciting news awaits at 1:47:05 as the hosts reveal that BlizzCon 2023 details will be revealed within two weeks. They share their anticipation and reminisce about past BlizzCon experiences, adding a nostalgic touch to the episode.
Moving forward, at 2:12:43, the hosts discuss the live release of WotLK Classic Patch 3.4.2 PTR. They explore the patch notes, highlighting important changes and improvements. Additionally, they touch upon the introduction of Sidereal Essence and a new vendor in the WotLK Classic PTR 3.4.2, analyzing their significance for players.
Lastly, at 2:34:00, the hosts recommend an addon of the week that fixes other addons on the PTR. They direct listeners to their Discord server for the addon file.
Time Stamps
0:00:00 – Intro
0:11:54 – Listener voicemail questions including Random Dungeon Finder and moderns wows user interface.
0:47:38 – What have we been doing in World of Warcraft Classic lately?
1:09:26 – Call of the Crusade PTR Discussion Forum for Wrath of the Lich King Classic Phase 3
Patch 3.4.2 PTR Testing Begins on May 4th – Trial of the Crusader Raid Testing, Isle of Conquest, & Titan Rune Dungeon
WotLK Classic 3.4.2 PTR Updated to Dragonflight Client
1:32:17 – Glyph of Omen of Clarity Added – WotLK Classic 3.4.2 PTR
1:47:05 – BlizzCon 2023 Details to Be Revealed Within Two Weeks
We also share some Blizzcon stories from years past
2:12:43 – WotLK Classic Patch 3.4.2 PTR Live – Patch Notes
Sidereal Essence and New Vendor – WotLK Classic PTR 3.4.2
2:34:00 – Addon of the week that fixes other addons on the PTR. The file is linked in our discord
Alodar’s links – https://twitter.com/AlodarSylmor
Griftin’s links – https://youtube.com/@griftin
Join our Discord – https://discord.gg/XPyjkHWTXz
Varg GDKP discord – https://discord.gg/HXPjsHzdBQ
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Call in voicemail – ?(816) 866-1066
Online Voicemail – https://www.speakpipe.com/WarcraftReloaded
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Email us at – WCRPodcast@gmail.com
Catch LIVE shows at – https://www.twitch.tv/blazzinbob
Follow the hosts:
BlazzinBob – https://twitter.com/Blazzin_Bob – https://www.twitch.tv/blazzinbob
Melarina – https://twitter.com/MelOverwatch
IT System Engineer by day, avid gamer by night! Bob has been gaming his entire life and first started standing on a chair playing the arcade version of Super Mario Bros. Now he plays all kinds of games but focuses mainly on Overwatch.
Mel loves playing video games during her free time. She didn't grow up as a gamer but quickly fell in love with it when she started. She mainly plays Classis World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and Hearthstone.
Liam makes poor choices and Cora identifies a little too much with the Asari. Time to make sure we have their loyalty!
Summarizing the 85th Live Letter, which is part 1 of announcing patch 7.2 features.
Joel and Ellie find Tommy, meet his wife, and Joel has a breakdown.
H-074C may not the Turian homeworld but it is home to Vetra's loyalty mission and the toughest fight in the game.
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