Warcraft Reloaded
Welcome to Warcraft Reloaded! This is a podcast dedicated World of Warcraft Classic where Blazzinbob and Mel discuss what’s happening in WoW Classic and their experiences.
IT System Engineer by day, avid gamer by night! Bob has been gaming his entire life and first started standing on a chair playing the arcade version of Super Mario Bros. Now he plays all kinds of games but focuses mainly on Overwatch.
Mel loves playing video games during her free time. She didn't grow up as a gamer but quickly fell in love with it when she started. She mainly plays Classis World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and Hearthstone.
More Episodes
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests Killnine and IAmLubes.
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by Buk_Tastik
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests BatGasm and Killnine.
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined once again by TableSlam and Kef to talk Classic+
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests TableSlam and Kef for a lively discussion focused on Season of Discovery!
Blazzinbob is joined by guest Ubiquitous to discuss his new survey focused on Classic+
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by HelloJTello and Vendetta__TV.
Blazzinbob is joined by TableSlam and Zanks to discuss the issues with Season of Discovery.
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests EbonHardt and HammerDance.
Blazzinbob is joined by guests IAmLubes, Sanmedina, Yesway, and Vendetta__TV.
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests Kaghoe and Killnine.
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests Kippzo and Peach (TexasTrash) for an engaging discussion.
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests Joardee, Mr Sully, OnlyBlackSmoke, and Winky.
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests SimonizeShow and Vendetta__tv for an in-depth discussion about SoD!
Blazzinbob is joined by guests TableSlam, IAmLubes, and Arcos!
Blazzinbob is joined by guests Hammerdance and SanMedina!
Blazzinbob is joined by guests Mijae, BlackRe3per, and Corpse.
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests TableSlam and Sanmedina.
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests IAmLubes and Shakazulu.
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests Frostadamus, SubtleFW, and ScotteJaye.
Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests Duranasaur and IAmLubes for an engaging discussion on WoW Classic!
Blazzinbob welcomes guests Sardaco and Sanmedina to the show!
Melarina and Blazzinbob are joined by guests Kippzo and Oprawindfury for an engaging discussion.
Blazzinbob is joined by guests SimonizeShow, ubiquitous, and Winky to talk Phase 3
This week Blazzinbob and Melarina are joined by guests IAmLubes, Buktastik, and ubiquitous!
This week Melarina and Blazzinbob are joined by many guests.
Melarina and Blazzinbob are joined by guests Solheim, iplaigame, and ClassicGho!
ScotteJaye, WillE & Crix Join us this week to talk Cataclysm Classic!
ubiquitous, Ziimm, & Kasemo join the crew this week to talk SoD
SanMedina, Kippzo and TablSlam join Blazzinbob this week.
Aprikitkat, ClassicGho and Buktastik join Blazzinbob this week to talk Season of Discovery!
Hammerdance returns this week along side Tableslam and NoHitJerome!
Its a wild ride this week, strap in!
The crew welcomes guests SimonizeShow and ScotteJaye to the show this week!
The crew elcomes Shobek and ClassicGho to talk everything Season of Discovery!
ClassicGho, Baptized and Denakina join the crew this week!
Joardee & Only Join the crew to talk Season of Discovery Phase 2 Prep!
Bob is joined by Josh Corbett, Trackzuit, ClassicGho, ScotteJaye & TableSlam for a action packed episode!
Simonize and Ziimm join the crew this week to continue coverage of Season of Discovery!
Blazzinbob & Melarina welcome guests Winky, Trackzuit & Zunder to talk Season of Discovery!
NoHitJerome and TableSlam join the crew for this weeks Season of Discovery conversation!
Bob is joined by a plethora of guests this week!
TheYipShow joins the crew this week to talk Season of Discovery and Icecrown Citadel!
Developer Interview with WoW Classic Developers Clayton Stone & Ana Resendez.
Quissy and PastaFace join the crew this week to talk Season of Discovery HYPE!
Joardee & ScotteJaye join the crew this week for another action packed episode talking WoW Classic!
Rokman and OnlyBlackSmoke join the crew this week to dive into all the new SoD discoveries!
CrixVibez and ClassicGho join the crew to talk more BlizzCon 2023
This week Sarthe & Winky join the crew to talk about BlizzCon 2023.
As BlizzCon approaches we bring you a HUGE episode this week!
Yip joins us this week as we talk all about wotlk and Ice Crown Citadel!
Honorary Guest Hosts ClassicGho and TableSlam bring the show to you this week!
Graysforday, CDank & Winky join Blazzinbob this week for Hardcore WoW Classic talk!
This week we are joined by some of the leaders of Pushing up Peacebloom!
SalvDali & WillE join the crew this week talking about everything WoW Classic!
CrixVibez & JoshThePaladin join the crew this week to talk WoW Classic!
No Blazzinbob or Mel this week. ClassicGho saves the day though and hosts the show!
Simonizeshow and SubtleFW Join the crew this week to talk WoW Classic!
Bob and Mel are back this week to tiredly talk about Hardcore WoW Classic.
Crix, OnlyBlackSmoke & ClassicGho join Bob this week for fun WoW Classic conversation!
Decamp and Winky join the show this week to talk WoW Classic Hardcore and more!
The hosts from Mere Casuals Podcast Join Bob and Mel this week to talk WoW Classic.
NoHitJerome and ClassicGho join the crew for more fun filled conversation on Classic WOW!
This episode continues our epic conversation with Josh Corbett
Josh Corbett joins the crew to talk all about WoW Classic.
Aprikitkat & Oradar join the crew to discuss the controversial HC Elite wipe!
ClassicGho and TableSlam join BlazzinBob this week!
ScotteJaye and Sarthe join the crew this week to talk ToGC and Yip comes on to talk progression!
Crix and Pummel join the Crew this week!
NorthTheMage and Zatar join the crew this week to talk wotlk
ScotteJaye, Mulltiy & ClassicGho join the crew this week to talk WoW Classic!
Kippzo and ClassicGho join the crew this week to talk all things WoW Classic!
Blazzinbob is joined by SimonizeShow, WillE & ScotteJaye to talk WoW Token.
Josh from Mere Casuals and ClassicGho join us this week!
Ahmpy & Bobka join the crew to breakdown everything Classic Hardcore!
Alodar and Griftin join the crew this week to talk about the PTR!
Guests galore this week including Sarthe, ItsPummel, Crix and ClassicGho!
This week we are joined by Winky and Okona to discuss a LOT. Tons of tangents!
ScotteJaye & JoHitJerome join the crew to talk about the upcoming Phase 3 in WotLK!
Rugs and Tableslam join us to catch up on what we’ve been doing in Classic WoW and discuss the recent changes to ferals!
ScotteJaye & Defcamp join us, to catch up on Classic WoW and discuss what our hopes are for a new Season of Mastery.
Winky and ItsPummel join Blazzinbob to talk about current news in WotLK Classic.
This week Bob is joined by many guests to talk about raid progression and give some Algalon tips!
We continue our coverage of the Hardmodes in Ulduar!
Bob is joined by FruehTV & Corpse to discuss helpful tips and tricks to defeating various bosses on hard mode in Ulduar.
Bob and Mel chat with nomnomhc and Tableslam about the latest news and the upcoming Hardcore All-Stars World Tour.
Bob and Mel catch up with Simonize to discuss everything about Rogues in PVE.
Bob chats with ClassicGho about the news in Ulduar and Mel and Yip join to discuss raid progression.
Mel and Bob chat with WillE about Ulduar progression and the latest news in WOTLK Classic.
Bob and Mel catch up with Scottejaye and ClassicGho to discuss Classic Wrath and see how Ulduar has been going.
Yip joins Bob & Mel to talk about their journey into Ulduar.
Bob and Mel catch up with Joardee and discuss Ulduar and the basics of healing with a priest.
Bob is joined by Duranasaur and North to talk about the exciting release on Ulduar and other news.
We chat with new guest, Tableslam, about the latest news in Classic and where to start when trying to learn feral druid.
Bob and Mel catch up with Kargoz and Winky to talk latest news in Classic and what’s happening in the hardcore community.
Bob and Mel catch up with Duranasaur and first time guest Barbann to talk all about Ulduar coming out and Hunter basics!
SubtleFW and Fabulous join us this week to talk a lot about Protection Paladins.
Bob and Mel catch up with Hamsterwheel to discuss the new Wrath of the Lich King Heroic+ Dungeons and item level buffs.
We catch up with Yip to discuss Varg’s journey through Wrath Classic, attempts at achievements, and becoming immortal!!
Bob and Mel welcome Fark_TV to the show to discuss a number for current wotlk topics!
Bob and Mel are joined with Winky and Sarthe for part 1 of the Classicverse to discuss all things Classic WoW.
Bob and Mel discuss Wrath of the Lich King and the upcoming Ulduar phase with ScotteJaye and ClassicGho!
Bob and Mel discuss the Wrath of the Lich King experience, progress, news, and more with Bawlsosteel and Jhaman.
Bob and Mel discuss the Wrath of the Lich King launch and the ups and downs since release with Crix and Winky.
Bob and Mel travel to TwitchCon and get an epic in person episode with all your favorite WOW content creators!
Bob & Mel discuss their journey through Wrath of the Lich King Classic release, the race to 80 event, and recent news!
Bob and Mel discuss the Wrath Classic developer announcements with ScotteJaye and Duranasaur.
Bob and Mel get the pleasure of talking with one of the lead software engineers for Classic Wow, Brian Birmingham!
Bob and Mel are joined by WillE and ScotteJaye to discuss the recent Cataclysm Classic survey & other Classic Wow news!
Bob and Mel are joined by SubtleFW & NoHitJerome to discuss Wrath pre-patch, the queue times, and other news!
Bob and Mel are joined by WillE & Classicgho to discuss Wrath pre-patch and then a discussion on ilvl squish!
Bob is joined by Zirene, Zatar, and Corpse to talk about tanking in Wrath of the King Classic!
Blazzinbob and honored guests give the latest news in WoW Classic.
Bob and Mel are joined by AngryDruid & Scottejaye talk Wrath of the Lich King Classic and achievement hunting!
Bob hosts an epic episode with SalvDali & Rugs. The explore all sorts of WOW Classic topics, including the Wrath Beta.
Bob & Mel are joined by Duranasaur & Winky to catch up on SOM and talk about Joyous Journeys!
Bob & Mel are joined by CDank & Natt to discuss the Wrath fresh servers and their guild ‘Blind’.
Bob & Mel are joined by Zatar & Kasemo to discuss Sunwell, Beta, and more!
Bob & Mel are joined by Sarthe and Ayle to discuss Sunwell, Wrath, and more!
SilverTV & Duranasaur join Blazzinbob to talk about everything going on right now with Wrath Beta out.
Bob, Mel, Yip, Harskare, Melderon, and Defcamp discuss their journey through Sunwell and the future in Wrath!
Zirene joins us to discuss Classic TBC and his journey from League of Legends caster to WOW content creator!
Bob & Mel catch up with SalvDali on the journey through each phase in Classis TBC, from Karazhan to Sunwell Plateau!
Bob & Mel are rejoined by Yip to celebrate 100 episodes, discuss raid progress and learn more about the shows origins!
This week Bob and Mel are joined by Winky and Hamsterwheel to discuss Wrath changes no one else is talking about.
This week Bob and Mel are joined by Duranasaur and WillE to discuss the recent Wrath announcements, Sunwell and more!
This week Bob and Mel get are joined by Ayle and Rugs to discuss the Sunwell progress, Isle of Quel’Danas, and more!
This week Bob and Mel get are joined by Metagoblin to discuss the upcoming Sunwell patch, phase 5 changes, and more!
This week Bob and Mel get to know Joardee as they discuss Classic TBC, the Sunwell PTR, and the recent news surrounding.
We FINALLY get a look inside GDKP raiding!
Covering the weekly news about WoW Classic and TBC Classic.
We cover the news and things to come in Wrath of the Lich King
Words can't describe this episode, you just need to tune in!
Not much news this week so we talk Wrath of the Lich King.
WillE joins Blazzinbob and TheYipShow to break down whats coming in Zul'Aman.
AprikitKAT joins the crew this week to talk about Classic!
Don't miss the fun this week as we look towards Wrath.
This week we cover the news, raid progression and Jhaman joins us to talk about Noobcore.
The crew talks about their experiences in Black Temple and Mount Hyjal
So many things going on in WoW Classic!
We talk WoW Classic and everything in between.
Tons of news about TBC Classic and WoW Classic Season of Mastery this week.
Faction population in TBC Classic is broken right now and there appears to be no fix in sight.
It's a week of shootin the breeze about Classic.
Join Blazzinbob, TheYipShow, and Melarina for the most recent WoW Classic news.
Winky joins the crew to talk about what's going on in Classic WoW and TBC.
Another day at the office for the cast of WCR, Crix joins us this week to give us a sneak peek at Phase 3.
Your weekly stop for recent news in WoW Classic.
Season of Mastery starts now, lets talk about it and much more.
This week the crew covers the news and talks about their experience with Kael'Thas.
KimJongOOM joins us to talk all about Guild Banks as well as news and updates on what we've been doing.
NoHitJerome joins us to talk about Classic Fresh and all kinds of other WoW Classic Shenanigans.
So much more to unpack with WoW Classic Fresh.
Lots to talk about this week 2 of phase 2 in the Burning Crusade.
Hamsterwheel joins the crew this week to talk about WoW Classic and TBC Classic.
This week Melderon joins BlazzinBob and Melarina to talk about TBC Classic.
This week Naismith joins us to talk about what's going on in TBC Classic.
This week the crew talks about what they have been doing and the recent news around TBC Classic.
WillE joins the crew this week to talk about what's going on in TBC Classic.
The crew brings on a listener this week to talk about same faction battlegrounds.
This week all hell breaks loose as we discuss same faction battlegrounds.
Melderon and Ayle join Blazzinbob and Melarina to discuss PVP in The Burning Crusade.
This week Blizzards Jess Downey and Anthony Vitale join the crew to talk about the upcoming TBC Classic Arena tournament.
The crew talks about the wild ride that week 2 of The Burning Crusade Classic brought.
This week the crew talks about their experience walking through the dark portal and the leveling process.
Alenya joins the crew to cover the news and talk about her leveling guides.
Zerbraxi joins the crew to talk all things pre-patch.
The guys from dungeoncleave.com join the crew this week to talk about their new website and discuss the news.
Dunedain joins the crew to talk about the Chronoboon Displacer and much more.
Is TBC raiding too easy? We cover that this week along with the news.
This special edition episode features the two leaders of Vargflocken. We discuss how they run a guild with two leaders.
This week Melderon and Ayle join the crew to cover the news and talk TBC beta.
This is part two of our epic chat with Josh, lets get to know him a bit.
This week Josh Corbett comes in to shake up the crews thoughts on the TBC beta and more!
This week is all about The Burning Crusade Classic Beta! There is a ton of info to go over so don't miss out!
This week is all about Tanking in The Burning Crusade Classic.
This week WillE joins the crew to discuss possible #SomeChanges in TBC Classic.
This week we talk about the recent Classic Era server survey and break down a ton of loot systems in World of Warcraft.
This week it's all about BlizzcOnline (BlizzCon 2021)
The crew tries their shot at BlizzcOnline (BlizzCon 2021) predictions.
Spell batching appears to be going away soon!
With very little news in these weeks before BlizzcOnline the crew just shoots the breeze.
This week the crew talks to SalvDali, from Onslaught, about Naxxramas.
The crew goes over loves and hates of this last year in WoW Classic.
This week Kimjongoom joins the crew to talk about the Auction House, Priest healing, recent TBC survey and much more.
This week the team talks about Naxxramas progression and about the retail World of Warcraft's affect on WoW Classic.
This week the crew covers news and lets everyone know how the Naxxramas progression is going.
Naxxramas released this week and the crew has a LOT to say about their experience as well as other guild runs across the world!
This week the crew covers the news and prepares for Naxxramas.
This week we bring a special episode with BingoJones, going over what its like for a brand new WoW player in Classic WoW.
This week the crew talks about our week in WoW, the news and the plethora of changes that have recently hit WoW Classic. We then discuss what the future of WoW and TBC Classic might look like.
This week the crew is joined by Corpse, tank for Vargflocken, to talk about tanking in WoW Classic. We also talk about no more multi-boxing in World of Warcraft and a little bit of BlizzcOnline.
This week the the crew is joined by WillE to talk about the Naxx release, Classic in general and Classic TBC roll out.
The crew is joined by Duranasaur to discuss his new and growing community surrounding Classic Dungeon Speed Running. We also discuss our weeks shenanigans in WoW Classic... and cover the news.
This week the crew talks about Naxxramas on the PTR, the scourge invasion, PVP changes, spell batching, the economy and more!
This week is a long one but we promise to get back to our normal format soon! We had another special guest, Defcamp from Defcamp & Melderon TV as well as Good Morning Azeroth, and talking went long!
This week is a long one but we promise to get back to our normal format soon! We had another special guest, Defcamp from Defcamp & Melderon TV as well as Good Morning Azeroth, and talking went long!
This week we have special guest Melderon from Good Morning Azeroth and Defcamp & Melderon TV join us! We talk about the Classic experience and how it's affected us!
This week we talk about the possibility of Classic slowing down once Naxxramas releases and we also talk about what BlizzcONLINE might be like. We also follow up on the TBC Classic leaks and botters.
This week our heroes discuss how they would like to see the Classic TBC servers roll out, the state of the economy, botters, World of Warcraft Classic Fall Conquest and more!
Our heroes were able to conquer Viscidus and we got another host! We also talk about the recent leaks on Naxxramas and Classic TBC. Don't miss the fun!
This week BlazzinBob and CognitivePit are joined by streamer SalvDali, of the guild ONSLAUGHT, to talk about WoW Classic.
This week BlazzinBob has a chat with Harskare, Guild Master for Vargflocken on Whitemane, to talk about what it's like being a Guild Master in WoW Classic. We hope you enjoy this bonus segment!
This week the guys talk about their experiences the first time running AQ40 in WoW Classic.
This week the guys talk about all the craziness surrounding the gates of Ahn'Qiraj. Everything from the war effort issues, guilds grieving the scepter quests and much more!
This week we further discuss what expectations are for Ahn'Qiraj, we cover the latest news and hot fixes as well as talk about a Priest getting banned for dispelling world buffs.
We got a third host! This week we talk about the patch 1.13.5, the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, the current state of World of Warcraft Classic and more!