A LOT of Feral Talk ft. Tableslam
We chat with new guest, Tableslam, about the latest news in Classic and where to start when trying to learn feral druid....
We start off the episode hearing from the community with a couple voicemails. These spark some conversation around various community led events that would be enticing to the classic community.
We move on to discuss what we have been doing lately in WOW including raiding, alts, and other things to keep us engaged in the game. In the news we review the return of Metzen and what that could mean for the classic community and the winter veil event.
We close out the show discussing the comeback of hardcore. We start with the beginning and how everything came to be. We discuss the history, fun stories, and what the future of hardcore has for us!
Time Stamps
0:00:00 – Intro
0:07:10 – Listener Voicemails
0:28:50 – What have we been doing lately in Wrath of the Lich King Classic
0:46:40 – Chris Metzen Joining Warcraft Leadership Team as Creative Advisor
0:51:40 – WotLK Classic Feast of Winter Veil
0:57:20 – Hardcore is coming back!
Holiday Hardcore Event – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4iaeHBOTPHw
Hardcore Website – http://www.classichc.net/
Hardcore Discord – https://discord.gg/classichc
2:02:30 – Closing
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New call in voicemail – ?(816) 866-1066
IT System Engineer by day, avid gamer by night! Bob has been gaming his entire life and first started standing on a chair playing the arcade version of Super Mario Bros. Now he plays all kinds of games but focuses mainly on Overwatch.
Mel loves playing video games during her free time. She didn't grow up as a gamer but quickly fell in love with it when she started. She mainly plays Classis World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and Hearthstone.
Rei and Eric are acheiving things, Kura is crafting, and Nick says that all these rewards are not enough.
Plundestorm and Turbulent TImeways are up, but we can't stop going back to Dragonflight. What's old is new again!
The outbreak in Jakarta, the aftermath of the outbreak in Boston, and our first look at Clickers.
We finally let the Moshae go home to reveal the secret of Aya's vault. Also, we are now free to move about the city.
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