2016, Your (Over)Watch Has Ended.
The WPR team talks about the Year in Review video, the state of balance in Overwatch, expectations for 2017, and more in our final show for 2016....
As the holiday season continues, Blizzard released a new comic that provides some insight into our Overwatch heroes (and villains). REFLECTIONS reveals that Tracer has a girlfriend, as well as gives some subtle hints that Widowmaker may not be as cold as we think she is. Also, is there something going on between Ana & Solider? And what’s up with Torb and all of those children? #getoffofher
We also discuss the pro meta displayed at MLG Vegas. We hope you like Tanks, because you’re probably going to be seeing a lot of them. Seeing how the community loves to mimic the pros, we may unfortunately be seeing a lot of 3-4 tank stacks. Solider: 76’s revived popularity may have run its course, as a beefed up D.Va appears to be shutting him down. Also, Zarya proves that you can’t nerf stupid as her kit proves powerful enough to still be used frequently in competitive play.
We also talk a bit about Sombra and how she may not be getting a fair shake. Is she too complex for the basic strategies we are seeing in Overwatch? We then get into why Blizzard should leave policing of the community to the community, and talk about how adding modding tools to the game would do nothing but help it. All this and more on this episode of Watchpoint Radio.
Jarret is Executive Director as well as one of the founding members of Mash Those Buttons. He plays all types of games, but tends to lean more toward FPS, Stealth, and Combat games.
Jason has been a gamer since the days of the Atari, starting off with games like Pong, and leading all the way up to games like Final Fantasy on the PS2. He then discovered the battlefield series in 2004 on the PC and it was done. An avid gamer, lover of music and all things PC, Jason strives to show users that PC gaming is not dead, so lock an load!
Joel and Ellie get some quality bonding time right before Pitts...errr...Kansas City.
The first ever Evo Awards, Mai is finally here, and Capcom Cup XI groups are in.
We check out Kadara, where the Eirochs, Outlaws, and medicinal drugs are plenty. Also, we debate the AI population.
A mostly story-focused episode. No Live Letter here, we'll be talking about that soon!
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