Live Letter 77: Galgamesh
All about the 77th Live Letter and the lady version of Gilgamesh ...
We’re back for some more alt-ernative radio. That’s right, it’s still the quiet before the next patch and we’re still doing all the alt things (with apologies to Blink 182). Queue times on Dynamis are long, we had to learn about the struggles of sprouts in novice network, and Pan gets a little salty about mentors for the 47th time. We also talk about some of the more unhinged, or wholesome, or both things from around the community!
00:00:00 Introduction
00:03:09 Sharing time, alts continued
00:19:52 Novice network and mentors
00:26:44 Down time and new games
00:40:11 Alt progress and goals
00:44:21 FFXIV grief counseling
00:46:11 Grand Company leaderboards
00:50:11 Relics update
00:55:51 FFXIV goes esports
01:02:47 Final updates
Gaming has been a core part throughout Poptarts life. Though her specialty is JRPGs, she tries to branch out and try new things. Most of her time gets put into the MMORPG, Final Fantasy XIV, but she still finds time to play new games.
Chip has a boring adult day job and then burns as much free time as possible playing the videos james. Fond of a variety of MMOs, JRPGs, and action games without active time button mashing.
Began the gaming life with a game boy to be kept entertained during a vacation in the early 90s and forgot to put it down after that. Currently, most gaming time goes into FFXIV. Doing her best to prove she's not a robot.
Rei and Eric are acheiving things, Kura is crafting, and Nick says that all these rewards are not enough.
Plundestorm and Turbulent TImeways are up, but we can't stop going back to Dragonflight. What's old is new again!
The outbreak in Jakarta, the aftermath of the outbreak in Boston, and our first look at Clickers.
We finally let the Moshae go home to reveal the secret of Aya's vault. Also, we are now free to move about the city.
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