Kurabara, Finds All the Bugs
The gang continues to enjoy The War Within as we get hyped for Season One and also Patch 11.0.5! That's some nice armor!...
Nick, Rei, Eric, and Kurabara are back this week to talk about how they’ve been enjoying Season One. Rei talks about how they had a bunch of people interested in raiding Nerub-ar Palace but for various reasons (not understanding the raid roster or having internet problems) they were unable to make it. Rei talks about beating Normal Ansurek and then running Story Mode Ansurek, and this leads to a discussion comparing the difficulty of story mode and normal mode. Nick talks about how story mode is a good idea but it feels unnecessary in the face of LFR. He points out that there are interesting story tidbits in the raid not included in story mode.
They also talk about how the loot grind feels this season with Delves giving credit in the Great Vault, and then they discuss how Delves are feeling a few weeks into the season. Nick mentions that they have been nerfed and how various builds and groupings are handling them differently. Rei mentions that she is excited for the puzzles in delves.
Rei also talks about running mythic+ dungeons and dealing with a tank who didn’t understand how to kite a mob. Also, in Stonevault, DBM gives a warning that you should not go into the void.
Eric talks about clearing Normal Nerub-ar palace and switching his warlock to affliction.
Kurabara talks about how a new Death Knight has joined the guild and is outperforming him on the damage meters even though Kura has a higher ilvl. He is planning to change his trinket.
Nick talks about the quests in Azj-Kahet and in particular the questline with the Pathfinder in the Pillar Nest Xesh. They talk about how Blizzard nailed the horror vibe and how he enjoyed the zone.
In the news, Xbox laid off 650 people, including members of the Warcraft Rumble team. Also, Blizzard updated their response to the missing Guild items issue.
Finally, they take a look back at episode #174 which was the final episode of 2020.
Thank you for listening to WoW! Talk! Our next live show is scheduled for October 7th 2024 at 10:30 pm E at twitch.tv/mashthosebuttons. For any scheduling updates, please follow us on X @wowtalkmtb. Send any emails about your thoughts or feedback to wowtalk@mash.gg.
Host of WoW! Talk! and The Tauren & The Goblin. Sometimes known as the Video Games Public Defender. Wants to play more Destiny and Marvel Heroes but WoW is all-consuming. Decent F2P Hearthstone player. Sad that he lost the Wii that had Wrecking Crew on it. Would be happy if the only game ever made was M.U.L.E. Gragtharr on Skywall-US. Garresque on Ravencrest-US.
Rei is the 1 of the 5 SEELE members and the Ops Director at MTB. She enjoys anime, baking, cooking, gaming ( fighting, puzzle, rhythm, RPGs ), and spending WAY too much time working on spreadsheets. Current Games: Tales of Crestoria, WoW
Auto mechanic, car enthusiast, gamer, runner and almost never serious, Eric has been ditching responsibilities and gaming since age 7. His favorite genres are FPS and racing, although most of his game time is currently spent on WoW
The Virtua Fighter Project, Clive in Tekken 8, more GG Strive Balanace Incoming, and FGC Tournament Standards
Siren's Isle is upon us! Come take the Patch 11.0.7 quiz to see how prepared you are! Also, Eric hates PUGs.
We talk about what's going on with the Felcycles, and we've been playing some Mythic+ and Classic. And The Old Republic?
A heaping helping of banter mixed in with reviewing the level 93 trial of Dawntrail's MSQ. Also candy discourse.
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