WoW! Talk!
WoW! Talk! is Mash Those Button’s bi-weekly podcast about World of Warcraft. Expect to hear news, rumors, and just the general on goings in the WoW world.
Host of WoW! Talk! and The Tauren & The Goblin. Sometimes known as the Video Games Public Defender. Wants to play more Destiny and Marvel Heroes but WoW is all-consuming. Decent F2P Hearthstone player. Sad that he lost the Wii that had Wrecking Crew on it. Would be happy if the only game ever made was M.U.L.E. Gragtharr on Skywall-US. Garresque on Ravencrest-US.
Rei is the 1 of the 5 SEELE members and the Ops Director at MTB. She enjoys anime, baking, cooking, gaming ( fighting, puzzle, rhythm, RPGs ), and spending WAY too much time working on spreadsheets. Current Games: Tales of Crestoria, WoW
Auto mechanic, car enthusiast, gamer, runner and almost never serious, Eric has been ditching responsibilities and gaming since age 7. His favorite genres are FPS and racing, although most of his game time is currently spent on WoW
More Episodes
Siren's Isle is upon us! Come take the Patch 11.0.7 quiz to see how prepared you are! Also, Eric hates PUGs.
We talk about what's going on with the Felcycles, and we've been playing some Mythic+ and Classic. And The Old Republic?
Blythe joins us to talk about being a new player in Azeroth, while the gang talks talks about raiding and tanking.
Its been a busy few weeks: Brutosaurs, anniversaries, documentaries, patch announcements, and more!
The Guild Bank situation isn't going away but at least delves are a distraction!
We review Jason Schreier's Play Nice. Yeah, there's a ton of stuff about Blizzard in there! Go check it out!
For the first time in a while, everyone on the show has killed the final boss of the raid. Thanks, story mode!
The gang continues to enjoy The War Within as we get hyped for Season One and also Patch 11.0.5! That's some nice armor!
Is the War Within the best expansion ever??? The gang is enjoying the game so far but we'll see if that can hold up...
Its time to go, Dragonflight! Was it a good expansion? Sure! Was it the best expansion? Well... It was a good expansion!
We waited all day for Patch 11.0, but at least we had our CE's to keep us occupied. Were they worth it?
Patch 11.0 is upon us so lets find out what to expect by taking the Patch 11.0 Quiz! Also, more Remix talk!
There's so much to do... in real life! At least Kura has been playing and getting all the bronze!
The gang is torn between playing The War Within beta and MoP Remix in the lead up to the expansion launch on 8.26!
Crisp plays all versions of WoW, Eric sticks with raiding, Kura is seeing straight pandas, and Rei keeps doing keys!
Mists of Pandaria Remix is awesome unless you were on reddit and then it wasn't! Also Patch 10.2.7 thoughts!
Patch 10.2.7 is upon us! Take the Patch Quiz and learn how you can get a Lucky Quilen Pet! Also, no Blizzcon, no cry!
The gang talks about proper raid etiquitte and then finds out what they (don't) know in the Season 4 Quiz!
The gang talks about helping people who won't help themselves and takes a final look at Plunderstorm.
Join us for a discussion about the latest sensation in the world of Battle Royales: Plunderstorm!
What do we know about Patch 10.2.6? Find out in the surprise Patch 10.2.6 Quiz! (spoiler: its not much!)
Rei and Eric had fun watching the MDI while Kura was enjoying the questing and Nick is looking forward to some books.
Rei talks about dealing with guildies who keep missing raid, while everyone enjoys the Love is in the Air update.
Rei and Eric are mad at Follower Dungeons. Nick is sad for all the people he follows that were laid off.
Hola y Bienvenidos, listeners! Test your knowledge of Patch 10.2.5 and play along with our quiz!
Rei can't get LFR drops, Eric needs to use his soulstone, Kura doesn't like the watch and Nick believes in No Pirates.
We send off 2023 by looking back at changes to Reputation and how the Trading Post has been working out.
Season of Discovery is proving popular while Kura makes his own discovery when googling Alexstraza and Ysera.
Superblooms are awesome! 3 Days early access and Expansion Shrinkflation? Those are less awesome.
The gang returns from Blizzcon 2023! Find out what they saw! Find out what they did! They are not those people anymore!
GET HYPED FOR BLIZZCON! What will be there live! What will be on the stream! New expansions! LET'S GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Patch 10.2 is coming right on the heels of Blizzcon so lets find out what we can expect with the Patch 10.2 Quiz!
Microsoft's Acquisition of Activision is nigh! Blizzcon is nigh! Check out what is in the Blizzcon digital goodie bags!
We celebrate 10 years of WoW! Talk! with the return of Harv to talk about Hardcore Classic WoW!
Is Patch 10.2 the end of Dragonflight? That we don't know yet. Will 11.0 focus on Pirates? That we do know! (It won't!)
Take the Patch 10.1.7 quiz and find out how well you know what is coming with this update!
Crisp returns to join Nick and Kura as they talk about Evokers and Hunters and also some hype for Patch 10.1.7!
Prices are out of control! We need more tendies for the trading post and we wonder about the cost of the virtual ticket!
The gang gets AotC on Aberrus while Nick rants about daycare, cinematics, and the ABK C-Suite.
Find out how to win a mount or a pet by playing the Patch 10.1.5 quiz! How well do you know what's coming?
OoCS gets to H.Neltharion, Eric & Nick have lots to say, Kura reinstalls all the Blizzard stuffies, and Rei M+es up!!
OoCS clears N.Aberrus and is working on Heroic with a new tank that might not stick around and getting people to M+!
OoCS has a chill week before Season Two begins, wrapping things up. Oh, and need a new tank for raid.
MVP Jeff brings OoCS to victory with the 2nd Raszageth kill and the Raging Magmammoth is obtained. Go team!
Eric, Kura, and Rei find themselves with an 11 man team on Thursday for Raszageth and they can almost taste victory.
Eric, Kura, and Rei spends another week against Raszageth and have the skip finally and get to M+ it up together!
Kurabara formally joins the show and sends Nick packing by telling him that consolidation is bad.
Blizzard turned 32 which is really when you should start evaluating your life choices. Also, the trading post!
Eric and Rei spend a night catching up with Kura and Crisp discussing raiding, Mythic Plus, loot, and more!
Test your knowledge about the Trading Post, Storm's Fury, and other features coming with our Patch 10.0.5 Quiz!
Blizzard shares a road map for the next year and Metzen is back. 2023 is looking very interesting!
Blazzin Bob from Warcraft Reloaded joins us to talk about Classic Wrath and also what's going on in Dragonflight!
Dragon Riding! Mad dashes for boats! Complicated Professions! Peer pressure! Disappointment? Its Dragonflight!
We go over the new content in Phase Two of the pre-patch and talk about mount drop rates.
We react to Phase One of the Dragonflight Pre-patch and talk about the Feldrake Mount as Twitch Drop issue.
What is coming when? Test your knowledge of this split pre-patch timeframe with our Patch 10.0 quiz!
Rei, Eric, and Harv are meeting old friends, while Nick is grinding achievements. Also, Harv has an announcement.
Rei and Eric beat Fated Raids while Harv continues to live in the past. Also, get your very own Frostmourne!
Everyone is dipping into WoW Classic in advance of Wrath of the Lich King, including GTA Streamers?
Nick and Harv are joined by Crisp and Kura to talk more about Fated Raids and Mythic+ and more!
Nick, Rei, and Eric enter Fated Heroic Sanctum of Domination while Harv does shrooms in Zangarmarsh.
Jigglesworth Sr will only be availble for completing Normal Fated Raids or higher. Nick has his plans ready.
Rei is healing others, Harv is healing himself, Eric is almost ahead of the curve, and Nick is boosted and angry.
Rei is tired of waiting for people, Eric just wants a good tank, and Nick and Harv talk more about Diablo Immortal.
The Alliance is way behind the Horde in beating up on the Jailer while Blizzard is pushing a new Social Contract.
Arclight Rumble is announced, Children's Week will never be the same, and Season 4 is gonna get weird!
The gang talks about improving the great vault, what we can learn from Diablo Immortal, and Mike Ybarra saying no NFTs.
The gang looks at the Dragonflight announcement and shares their excitement and concerns!
Nick ponders what journalism is while everyone speculates on the expansion and also the Jailer is falling.
Guild morale is important, especially when we could be entering a year before the next expansion.
Eric and Rei are in Tazavesh and Sepulcher, Nick is thinking about Wrestling, and everyone is looking forward to 4/19!
Nick and Rei are enjoying Zereth Mortis, especially the puzzles! Also, the Blizzard gear store is back!
Patch 9.2 is imminent so its time to see what we know about what is coming with the Patch 9.2 Quiz!
Rei and Harv weigh in on the Microsoft Acquisition and we get excited for Cross-Faction Raiding!
Just Crisp joins us to talk about all things mythic raiding.
Jarret and Mike (formely of Watchpoint Radio) join Nick to talk about the Microsoft acquisition because WHAT THE F***???
Nick and Rei talk about doing your homework before raiding and their goals for 2022, including #firebobbykotick.
We celebrate 200 episodes by calling for more WoW content and a better Community Council and complaining about Gremlins.
The gang discusses how the negativity around Activision-Blizzard has been affecting the community.
Rei and Harv talk about raiding and Nick wants to #firebobbykotick.
The gang talks about all the news that we've missed the last few weeks: Kitteh mount! Blizzcon gone! Kotick's salary!
Rei talks about the struggles of playing with other guilds, while Nick administers the Patch 9.1.5 quiz!
Nick figures out how Blizzard can fix their perception problems with the community: Hard Knocks: Blizzard!
There's a Hearthstone cross-promotion and we wonder if Blizz will go for cross-faction play and player housing in 10.0.
Anima is plentiful in Korthia, but Blizzard's history of waiting to improve the game can be annoying.
Are toxic online communities inevitable? Possibly not...
Rei gets weird messages and Nick tries to figure out how to hold Blizzard Management accountable.
Eric and Rei did Hard Mode Tazavesh. Harv is up to renown 42. Its our thoughts on Patch 9.1!
Its time for the Patch 9.1 Quiz! If only we could remember how patch quizzes work. Its been so long...
A short episode for a week where the biggest news was battle.net is global and flying, like love, won't cost a thing.
Harv is enjoying Burning Crusade, the team beat Sire Denathrius, and Nick is not surprised by Blizzcon's cancellation.
Find out what happened to 184! Also, we're rather hyped for Burning Crusade Classic, and a rant on employee morale!
Jeff Kaplan leaves Blizzard but everyone gets Daisy the sloth as consolation. Also TBC beta news and Sylvanas!
Sire Denathrius is hard, the anima drought may be ending, and there's a new battle.net icon!
Rei is prepared, Eric is raiding, Harv wants gnome paladins, and Nick is worried.
Nick stares into the void that is the problems with pugging and comes back with an answer. Also, Harv doesn't like the Maw and Rei needs to be more like John Madden.
Matt from OoCS joins us to talk about BlizzConline and take the Patch 9.0.5 quiz! How did you do?
The Torghast struggle is real, its a valid point that valor points are coming back, and the BlizzConline schedule is too tight for holes, or is it? Also, the death of Thrall???
BlizzConline is now almost 2 weeks away and the gang is starting to feel the hype! Also, more talk about Torghast and Castle Nathria and a consideration of the Celebration Collection.
This week we consider when 9.1 may be coming, talk about what we like to yell in combat, and Harv hates the Maw.
Eric found Croman the Barbarian in Torghast and Nick found Leeroy Jenkins in an unexpected place.
Cognitive Pit from Warcraft Reloaded is here to close out 2020 with thoughts on Shadowlands and a brief look back at 2020!
Kurabara from Dropping Spicy and Clan of Three drops by to talk about our Shadowlands impressions! Good luck dodging the carriages in Revendreth!
We say farewell to Battle for Azeroth and Welcome Shadowlands as we look back on one of Blizzard's more polarizing expansions. Also, we talk about the new cinematics and discuss borrowed power.
We consider the issues around the new Shadowlands release date. Also, Blizzard finally acts against multi-boxers. We also discuss covenants and ... cows???
The pre-patch is here! Rei and Eric are trying to fit all their abilities on their bars! Harv is excited corruption is gone! And Nick is looking forward to going back to Legion!
Mel from Warcraft Reloaded joins us as we wait for pre-patch talking more about the Shadowlands delay and Blizzard closing the Versailles office.
We don't know when the patch is coming (or at least we didn't when we recorded) but come take the Patch 9.0 Quiz with us and see if you're ready the Shadowlands pre-patch!
Harv is playing again! Nick has thoughts on the covenant situation. Rei's playing with friends and Eric is checking out the beta. Plus the gang disagrees on which mount to vote for!
Rei is pugging and playing with friends, Eric hates groupfinder, Harv is busy, and Nick and his kid are fine with censorship.
Steelwolf from Warcraft Reloaded joins the gang to talk about the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj while Rei and Eric are enjoying the beta.
Harv may sleep through raid but the puggers are what's stressing Eric. Rei also talks about puggers while Nick speculates on Shadowlands on the XBox. And Blizzard salaries are reported to be low.
Bob from Warcraft Reloaded is here to talk all about what's going on in classic. Also, we talk about mounts and Nick has more thoughts about Blizzcon.
Nick discusses the state of the community and then the gang dives into the Livestream info!
Its that time of expansion when everyone's taking a break from WoW so lets compare it with another MMO that's been going through some changes lately -- Destiny 2.
Blizzcon? Cancelled! The Shadowlands livestream? Cancelled! Bobby Kotick's tenure as Activision-Blizzard CEO? Not cancelled!
Nick and Harv dig in on leveling while Rei and Eric focus on the struggles of raiding.
Rei has people missing raid, Eric got his sword, and Harv feels the drought, while Nick wants to know what was your first online game.
Harv is no fan of corrupted gear, and Eric has soured on Horrific Visions. Nick thinks maybe they'll enjoy Torghast.
Rei and the guild got AotC, Eric is moving onto his alts, and Nick reviews the Covenant Abilities situation.
Harv still isn't playing much, Nick discusses Blizzard working remotely, Rei and Eric are raiding, and everyone wants Wrath Classic.
Rei is raiding, Harv is struggling to find the motivation to play, Eric is tanking mythics +'s, and Nick is wondering if Blizzcon should be an annual event.
Eric's got a hot take on titanforging, Rei struggles with pugs, Harv is pet battling, and Nick is just watching the cannon balls fly by.
The gang talks about their time in Horrific Visions and breaking Hellfire Citadel. Also, Nick runs through the news of the last two weeks.
Eric and Rei are enjoying Ny'alotha, Blizzard's been having a rough few weeks, and Nick HATES Starfox Adventures.
We react to 8.3 (Nick had some things to accept): Horrific Visions, Vulpera questline, Mechagnomes, and more! Also, no 8.3.5!
The Visions of N'Zoth Content Update is next week! Take the Patch 8.3 Quiz and find out if you are ready!
OoCS FCs N and H TEP, M+, and continue to level up for Herald of the Titans. Winter Veil is here, time for presents and Holiday Sales! Visions of N'Zoth is around the corner, so are you prepared...?
OoCS raids with PUGs Thanksgiving week, M+, gear / level up for Herald of the Titans, the 8.3 PTR Build gives lots of juicy info, Classic gets WSG and AV, and adopt Dottie for charities this month!
OoCS raids H.TEP on alts with PUGs, many M+, and make use of Party Sync. Brutosaur only at the BMAH come Shadowlands, Wrathion the Merchant, M+ S4 offers 375 Weekly Chest, Staff is Dominance ninja'd.
OoCS continues to raid, run the Anniversary event, and Mythic+. Nick and Rei appeared in other podcasts! Patch 8.3 will drop early 2020, Blizzard gives time to players, and there are racists in WoW.
OoCS had a time to squeeze in M+ after raid night one week and had to super PUG the next! Eric pumps up his Mage, Harv casuals Classic raids and the group digs into Blizzcon 2019 hype...or wishes.
OoCS has slayed Heroic Queen Azshara, now they can play the game. Which is just the usual of M+, PvP, or Classic. "The next content update" AKA Patch 8.3 has a handful of new features for everyone!
OoCS downs Za'Qul and working on Queen Azshara, doing M+ with a more guildies, and a dusting of Classic. In the news, Classic gets a bug fix, Patch 8.2.5 has been released. Let the Bee games BEEgin!
With the next content update upon us, join Rei, Eric, and Harv in testing their knowledge as Nick returns to administer the Patch 8.2.5 quiz!
OoCS hits a wall with Za'Qul and has feelings on it, doing M+, and a sprinkling of Classic. In the news, Classic gives free transfers, Recruit-a-Friend Soon™, and WoW Blades are selling like crazy.
Its the long-lost WoW! Talk! pilot from 2004 where the gang prepares to venture for the first time into Azeroth!
OoCS does Retail and Classic while Rei discusses her experience being the PUG in a raid. Classic exploded, leaving Blizzard to make a few tweaks between capacity and a firm no to ClassicLFG add-on.
The gang discusses spending money, Classic stress testing, and Sylvanas' daddy issues. Harv accepts herbs as a form of apology payment after getting angry during raid. Eric still hates grinding rep.
The gang looks at Method’s world 1st Azshara, 8.2.5 PTR, and the death of the physical authenticator. Also, Harv talks about herbing it up.
OoCS beats Azshara after a guild party but Ashvane is still a thumb.
The gang talks about Mechagon and Nazjatar and the Sylverian Dreamer!
This episode is so long it needs a runtime squish! Also, the Patch 8.2 Quiz!
The gang looks back at their Legion predictions and Harv hates more things!
Thoughts on Safe Haven, WoW Classic, and Harv really doesn't care for the Horde.
Rei, Eric, & Harv down Heroic Dazar'Alor; Nick has uncomfortable balloon ride.
In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except bans & taxes & Blizzcon.
We review the Patch 8.2 news and laugh at the patch 8.6.7 notes.
Upon finding out pants will not be a hidden transmog, Harv tells us a story.
We discuss raiding Normal to Heroic, and reluctantly bring up the portal debate.
Test your knowledge of all the new content coming in Patch 8.1.5!!!
The gang talks about layoffs and the work for world first, and Harv loves BfA!
Rei, Eric, & Harv talk Hivemind & Dazar'Alor. Nick's joke prediction happens!
After football, the gang discusses holiday changes, Morhaime, and BfA season 2.
The gang considers if WoW is a dead game and talk about the podcasting struggle.
The gang looks back to patch 6.1 to diagnose WoW going into 2019!
Patch 8.1 is upon us so test your knowledge against the WoW! Talk! gang!
Jarret of Watchpoint Radio joins us to discuss Activision's control of Blizzard.
Blizzard stock drops, Kul Tiran mages are in and Zandalari Warlocks are out!
This week the gang talks about Morhaime, emissary quest patterns, and Ion's Q&A.
Jeremy returns to celebrate 5 years of WoW! Talk! by running Tomb of Sargeras!
We dig into Patch 8.1, the Virtual Ticket items, and Harv's hatred of pirates!
We look at Uldir and discuss the state of the community around Ion's AMA.
Frazley from the Frazlcast joins us to talk about the current state of BfA!
We're in the Honeymoon of Battle for Azeroth, so of course everything's great!
The BfA pre-launch story has been an emotional roller coaster lately.
This time between Legion and Battle for Azeroth? This is Purgatory.
Eric's hopes for the pre-patch are dashed by the Patch 8.0 Quiz.
Harv joins Nick, Rei, & Eric to talk about the Dev Q&A and Classic WoW!
Tanking stresses Eric into pulling his hair out, but losing threat in BfA is OK.
Should Blizzard try again with garrisons? And Eric has the best racial ability.
The gang talks about updating zones, bounty hunting, and mythic raid numbers.
The gang tries but can't stay up for world quests, the auction house, & the MDI.
Nick and Eric discuss the Global Cooldown and Blizzard's April Fool's jokes.
Rei's a good guild leader, Eric loves Fast & Furious, & Nick feels for Nazgrim.
The gang discusses talking in a new guild, Warcraft III, and transmog changes.
The gang discusses allied races, the death of first aid, and hunter pet changes.
We look back at our first episode and we look forward to Battle for Azeroth!
With Patch 7.3.5 live now, travel back in time with us for a quiz on Patch 3.3
The gang talks about the difficulties of raiding with & being a sub-par raider.
We stick a fork in 2017 by sticking our swords in the Sha of Fear.
Rei and Eric go over the Antorus raid in detail.
Antorus opens this week! Are we ready? Also, Blizzcon panels and the Dev Q&A!
Nick and Rei may be sick but they are here to alleviate your concerns about BfA.
The gang talks all things Blizzcon, including Muse, Sub-races, & Blizzcon 2018?
The gang gets off-topic answering emails and debates playable murlocs.
Could a PUBG-style brawl work? Also, Blizzcon speculation, and can WoW 2 happen?
Rei & Eric recount their experiences in Patch 7.3 including the Lucid Nightmare.
The gang raids Siege of Orgrimmar! Does Nick tame Thok?
Talk about expectations for Gamescom this week but WHO IS THE HEARTHSTONE GIRL?
Nick rants about the WoW Token and reaction to Jaina, but loves his artifacts.
A discussion on the Mythic Dungeon Invitational while Nick still hates Blingtron.
Nick hates Blingtron and the gang looks to the future beyond Patch 7.3.
The gang runs ICC during the show as an experiment! Let us know what you think.
Join us for the Patch 7.2.5 Quiz. Compete with Rei and Eric over what is coming.
Destiny 2 is coming to battle.net. Take the journey with Nick from anger to acceptance.
Everyone's sick so its a short episode to talk about Heroic Gul'dan and Mythic+.
Nick and Rei discuss the angst in the community over the Anduin movie and WQGF.
The gang discusses invasions, flying, and what they've been up to in patch 7.2.
Nick, Rei, and Eric react to 7.2 going live and the 7.8 notes from April 1st.
Nick quizzes the gang on Patch 7.2 and hates lawn mowing more than pet battles.
Between the recent time-limited mount rush, the rapid rate of raid testing, and the interminable AP grind, its hard to be a WoW player lately.
Nick, Rei, and Eric discuss Nighthold, Artifact Power in 7.2, and scaling on old content.
Patch 7.1.5 is upon us, and along with it came the Nighthold Raid, class changes, micro-holidays, and more for Nick, Rei, and Eric to discuss!
Patch 7.1.5 misinformation abounds! Nick tests the rest of the gang to see what they know on this week's WoW! Talk!
The gang talks about their 2016 highlights and hopes and predictions for 2017.
The gang discusses defeating Heroic Xavius, the struggle for more artifact power, and Patch 7.1.5.
Legion is great but people keep complaining! Nick tells them to chill, and Jeremy returns with his third relic!
Nostalrius returns but will it matter if everyone is playing patch 7.1.5 and 7.2? The WoW! Talk! gang debates.
The Blizzcon Hype train starts as the gang speculates on Warcraft IV, Patch 7.2, and more! New WoW! Talk!
Patch 7.1 is coming and Jeremy is missing an artifact relic. HE IS NOT PREPARED!
The gang looks at Emerald Nightmare and World Quests.
There's tons to do at 110 and LFR is as controversial as ever. New WoW! Talk!
Jarret from Watchpoint Radio joins WoW! Talk! to discuss the Chris Metzen news
Dungeons! Class halls! Artifacts! LEGION HYPE COMPLETE!!!
Warlords of Draenor was disappointing. Can Legion restore faith in Blizzard?
Broken Shore & Invasions? Yay Blizz! Breaking add-ons? Boo Blizz!
Get ready for Invasions, the Broken Shore, and Demon Hunters on a new WoW! Talk!
Nick gives his theory on Artifacts and how they will fit into a post-Legion WoW.
The Legion pre-patch didn't seem to faze the gang too hard.
Discussion of pre-patch raiding and having multiple artifacts.
The gang gets together to talk about their thoughts on the Warcraft movie.
Adam from Deadly Boss Mods joins us to talk all things DBM!
Talent changes and Facebook Live! Also, watch the movie!
The gang discusses talents, specs, and how the new tapping system sucks.
In-game rewards and gold sinks are topics of debate!
Nostalrius, Mark Kern, gameplay bugs and fun things await in Legion!
Ability pruning and quest removals are discussed, as well as FrostDoge.
The WoW! Talk! gang discusses employees leaving, free stuff, and alpha changes!
Rei talks about Cross-Realm raiding and how it may have ruined the game.
Nick and Katie host a special WoW! Talk! to talk Hunters in Legion and Chronicle.
Rei returns to discuss Legendaries and class fantasy in Legion. New WoW! Talk!
Blizzard turns 25 and Thal'dranath turns up missing. New WoW! Talk!
Tanking changes! 100g to change specs! Pre-order problems! An angry WoW! Talk!
WoW! Talk! discusses Diablo's influence on WoW. Or Die-ablo, if you're Jeremy.
2015 is under 1%. Time to bust it down and pull in 2016 with a new WoW! Talk!
PvP, botting, and xmog concerns along with cookie cutter builds on WoW! Talk!
A live alpha means so much datamined Legion info to talk about! New WoW! Talk!
Patch 6.2.3, a review of Legion Class blogs and #friendshipmoose. New WoW! Talk!
Blizzcon wrap up - artifacts, transmog, trailers, and more!
WoW! Talk! gets hyped in preparation for Blizzcon and Illidan gets a cover!
Surprise WoW! Talk! about surprise Patch 6.2.3 with surprise guest host Katie Grace!
The Blizzcon schedule leaked and HFC Normal was nerfed. New WoW! Talk!
Blizzard's new deal with Random House, guild advice, and new holiday toys on WoW! Talk! 38.
DragonCon, Timewalking, and a Ghostcrawler easter egg in this week's WoW! Talk!
Patch 6.2.2 is here! Get excited with talk about that and a bunch of PSA's!
WoW loses subscribers, new mounts, and rogues are ready to riot over Ravenholdt.
Screw off-weeks! The WoW! Talk! gang couldn't wait any longer to discuss Legion!
The team talks about upcoming expansion news, WoW Token limits, speculates about a WoW theme park, and improvements to the garrison could have been better.
Patch 6.2.1, PvP Mercenary mode, Warcraft movie, and more on WoW! Talk! #33
The gang talks about their experiences in 6.2 and Nick rants about this being the last raid of Warlords.
The gang talks about flying being brought to Draenor, plus talks about the Ion Hazzikostas Q&A, and previews patch 6.2.
With Ion's Q&A pushed back a week, the gang talks about Hellfire Citadel, Blizzard's relationship with the Community, and gets nostalgic for Wrath.
Recent banning wave, Orgrim's close-up from the movie, ilvl changes in Hellfire Citadel, and the No Flying debate.
WoW Subscribers dropping to 7.1 million, Blizzard previews Tanaan, Bonus Events, and the Adventure Guide, and Leeroy Jenkins turns 10.
Big news with the Warcraft movie getting pushed to June and Patch 6.2 hitting the PTR, but we still can't stop talking about the WoW Token.
The gang has more to say now that the WoW Token has launched. Plus, Blizzard gets reality TV right with Azeroth Armory, and the Patch 6.1.4 notes dropped some bombs.
The gang talks about the new short story Code of Rule, plus a chain of lawsuits, and a surprisingly long discussion about PvP.
Buffs to BRF Gear, the Blizzcon Announcement, and the details for the WoW Token. Plus, Rei has a revelation.
The gang talks about their experiences in 6.1 and share their thoughts on the recent developer raid/dungeon streaming Q&A, as well as how all humans are strong enough for a warrior.
More Patch 6.1 PTR info and the gang talks about WoW staying at 10 million subscribers and Argi's success.
The gang talks about more 6.1 information like the Heirloom tab and the S.E.L.F.I.E. camera. Also, there a new mount coming, and we pay our respects to WoW Insider.
Jeremy laments that lack of improvement in rogue DPS. Plus, the gang talks about confusion over some Veteran perks, and lots of Patch 6.1 discussion.
Matt returns as the gang talks about Blizzard's plans for 2015, including how game-time tokens will fix the economy. Plus, Nick and Jeremy rage about Mythic Mar'gok and Molten Core RNG.
We have so much advice for you that even our PSAs need a PSA! Plus, talk about LFR and hotfixes.
Nick exploits a flaw in Blizzard's transmog rules, plus the gang talks about garrisons and Warlords, as well as WoW's subscriber base going up, the new Blood Elf models, and ever-changing dungeon loot rules.
In this episode we briefly touch on Blizzcon and then talk about everything going on with Warlords of Draenor.
Katie Grace joins us to talk about cosplay and Blizzcon, and the gang goes over just about everything there is to know about Patch 6.0.2.
Legendary Cloak, Lords of War, Face Recustomization, and Nick may have convinced himself to buy the CE.
Flex Raiding, the upcoming 8/14 announcements, Blizzard's declining numbers, and more Azeroth Choppers news.
Beta experiences, the relocated Draenor capitals, Rod Pardo's departure, and the Heart of the Valorous buff.
Alpha going live, the Azeroth Choppers finale, Medivh in the Warcraft movie, and some stat changes coming in Warlords of Draenor.
War Crimes, Azeroth Choppers, Blizzcon 2014, and Changes to the Legendary Quest.
Boost to 90, our expectations for garrisons, and the long, long wait for a Warlords beta announcement.
Talking about the boost-to-90 trailer and go in depth on the recent Dev Watercoolers.