Two Namco and Capcom Crossover Games Maybe in the Works? [Rumor]

From Kotaku, there’s a post about how there’s potentially 2 fighting games in the works from Namco & Capcom. There’s speculation on one being “Capcom x Namco” rendered in the Street Fighter IV engine and the other being “Namco x Capcom” rendered in the Tekken 6 engine. Kotaku also speculates that they may confirm this at the San Diego Comic Con with an announcement/trailer… Hopefully something will turn up.

[Source and Image Credit: Kotaku]

Long Diep
Long Diep
Long Diep

MASH Veteran

Long is an classic game fanatic who has a fond love of arcade games. He is a fan of fighting games and racing simulations and loves playing them with good friends. His true love is with Japanese curtain fire, "bullet hell" shooters. He is a gamer who believes that sometimes the best gaming gear can make the difference between a better experience in a game to increased game play skills. Even though he likes his unique games, he does enjoy FPS games, RPG's, and various other games. Long has a so

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