Borderlands 2 Official Trailer + Release Date = 870 Gajillion Guns

Vault hunters wanted.

There used to be an embeded media player here, but it doesn't work anymore. We blame the Tumbeasts.

Borderlands 2 has an official trailer and a release date of September 18th, 2012. There are no true words to explain the happiness that this creates in my heartspace. Enjoy. Original Borderlands fans will notice some upgrades to the skill tree menu and that there’s 300 times more sexy in this game. Can it be September already so we can shoot some bad dudes?

Katie Horstman
Katie Horstman
Katie Horstman

Staff Writer

Katie has always had a connection to games and was able to make Super Mario Bros. a motion game before Nintendo even thought of the Wii. She has a serious addiction; an illness if you may, of loving ridiculous games. She has been through an extensive digital rehabilitation, but we fear her addiction is surfacing again.

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