Bullet Hell Meets Dungeon Crawler in Enter the Gungeon

Brent walks us through the Gungeon.

Enter the Gungeon from Dodge Roll Games (who are Dark Souls fans, hence the name) have crafted a strategic bullet hell experience for the masses. The premise is simple, kill everything that moves. Can’t go wrong with a classic concept like that, but Dodge Roll has given some twists to it. Our tour guide through this bullet riddled maze is Brent, a programmer for Dodge Roll Games. Come listen as we load our clip with questions, and have him in our sights.

Andres Mirandes
Andres Mirandes
Andres Mirandes


Video gaming runs in his blood and competition plagues his mind. From the earliest days in the now extinct arcades, to the eSports competitive scene, he looks forward to the next game to test his skills. No stranger to rising salt levels.

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