The Patch 8.3 Quiz
The Visions of N'Zoth Content Update is next week! Take the Patch 8.3 Quiz and find out if you are ready!...
In this week’s episode, OoCS completed Normal and Heroic Eternal Palace with a good handful of alts and even squeezed in the Dark Souls achievement! Mythic Plus was a little slow, but going as usual. Eric and Harv are a few levels away from being able to work on Herald of the Titans. Harv hit 40 on his Mage in Classic and got a mount.
It looks like Wrathion is selling a Black Dragonscale Backpack for 40K gold on the PTR and is transmoggable, like the Renowned Explorer’s Rucksack that players can get from the Recruit-a-Friend reward system. The backpacks would take place of the back piece on a character.
Tis the season! The Feast of Winter Veil started last week on the 16th and will run until January 2nd, 2020. Stop by The Broken Isle or Orgrimmar and use the Giant Snow Globe to turn into a festive Gnome. Don’t forget to grab your presents from Greatfather Winter for a chance at some toys and illusions you might have missed out on! This year, the Abominable Grinch can be done with characters Level 60 and up. Make sure to go on a raid tour, as certain bosses will be donning a red or green Holiday Hat and has a chance to drop one for you. A Sleigh Ride has been added in Ironforge and Orgrimmar.
The Holiday Sale is going on and the Standard version is going for $24.99 USD and $44.99 for the Digital Deluxe version. Until January 6th, New Players will be able to get 50% off their first month subscription. Select pets, mounts, and toys will be 50% off until January 7th, along with a Purrfect “Cat Pack” bundle — that’s 4 pets and 3 mounts for up to 65% off! Prices will be adjusted for people who own one or more of the items in the bundle.
December 31st, 2019 will be the last day for people to redeem / use their old Recruit-a-Friend rewards, make sure to grab your Legacy Mounts or Pets before they go away.
Mark your calendar — January 14th will be when Visions of N’Zoth goes live, starting January 21s for Normal and Heroic, January 28th for Mythic and LFR Wing 1. The other 3 Wings will be released in 2 week increments. Season 4 will start with the new seasonal affix in Mythic Keystone Dungeons, along with reward updates, and a new PvP season.
Timewalking event quest in Patch 8.3 will reward players with a Heroic Raid Cache ( still subject to change ) — giving an iLevel 460 or 470 piece depending on the what boss the item drops from. A 470 item is only 5 iLevels lower than Mythic raid gear. This will begin January 28th with Warlord of Draenor TWing.
Also in Patch 8.3, the Weekly Mythic+ Cache guarantees a Corrupted piece on every item except trinkets. The Corruption Affix gives players more debuffs and negative effects, making it harder to survive. No cloaks have dropped as players will be using a Legendary Cloak.
In Classic, paid Character Transfers are now available and in classic fashion, has a 90 day cooldown and must be to a realm in your region. There are 3 tiers on how much gold can be transferred with your character, so make sure to check your in-game funds before doing so. Remember that you cannot transfer from PvE to PvP or from RP to RP PvP realms.
Warcraft III: Reforged will release on January 28th and there are two versions available — $29.99 USD for the standard edition and $39.99 USD for the Spoils of War Edition which includes extras for the game itself as well as other bonus in-game items for their other Blizzard titles: 4 Skins for Warcraft: Reforged, mount for World of Warcraft, 5 Player Icon and 4 Sprays for Overwatch, a Diablo III pet, a Hearthstone card back, 4 Heroes of the Storm Heroes, 4 StarCraft II skins, and StarCraft: Remastered Spoils of War console. Both versions includes Reign of Chaos and The Frozen Throne.
For anyone who wants to get a refund for their Warcraft 3 pre-order, simply hit up the Customer Support for Europe or North America, go to the Payments tab for Warcraft 3: Reforged, and there should be an option to cancel and a spot for customers to leave a comment.
Activison Blizzard Media has launched a King’s Council — their first dedicated player research community, using AB’s most active and engaged players to act as the voice of the players and test things such as advertising offerings, understanding players and generate insights on integrated marketing and the mobile games industry in general.
Finally, Harv takes us back to Episode #48 — Nick, Jer, Eric, and Katie were hosting and Katie’s connection crapped out. OoCS just defeated Soccer Mom and Tyrant Velhari on Heroic — but not before Eric gets disconnected due to running out of WoW time! Blizzard just turned 25 and had sent out a survey asking about movie ticket promotions. The Alpha was back up, rogues were upset so the were reverting the changes, and Jer didn’t care about Subtlety because it felt clunky. The gang has concerns about more ability pruning after the WoD ability pruning. Blizzard had a lack of communication and people wanted them to do better with Twitter. The topic of Challenge Modes came up, getting all gold would unlock transmogs, and Eric didn’t like that it scaled you down to make you weaker. Nick couldn’t fathom PvP in the Dalaran Sewers! Thal’Dranah had been removed from the PTR, the community was calling it Faralon 2.0. Blizzard was working on a new support feature which would allow the community to assist player issues.
Thank you for listening to WoW! Talk! Our next live show is scheduled for 01.05.20 at 10:30 PM EST at For any scheduling updates, please follow us on Twitter @wowtalkmtb. Send any e-Mails about your thoughts or feedback on to!
Rei is the 1 of the 5 SEELE members and the Ops Director at MTB. She enjoys anime, baking, cooking, gaming ( fighting, puzzle, rhythm, RPGs ), and spending WAY too much time working on spreadsheets. Current Games: Tales of Crestoria, WoW
Auto mechanic, car enthusiast, gamer, runner and almost never serious, Eric has been ditching responsibilities and gaming since age 7. His favorite genres are FPS and racing, although most of his game time is currently spent on WoW
Chris has been playing World of Warcraft since 2007. When he's not playing his hunter in Azeroth, he's probably playing one of his many alt hunters. If not doing that, he's probably playing a different hunter.
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WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!
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Patch 11.1 Undermine(d) is upon us so test your knowledge with the Patch 11.1 Quiz! Do you know what is coming?
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