Road to EVO Japan
From Chicago to Japan, Rising Thunder Community release, No more MVCI unblockables, Majin Android 21 trailer, Kbrad joins Ghost Gaming and more!...
Every game is in the downloadable content business. Mezza & CrashTag dive deep into the ups and downs of gaming company decision making. Kicking off the game updates pretty rapid-fire style. Blazblue Cross Tag gets 20 base character announcement but 20 DLC character announcement as well. Cross Tag will also appear at Evo Japan as a test site. Pokken Tournament DX gets a surprise Nintendo direct. Two wave DLC content starting with battle Pokemon Aegislash and Blastoise, followed by four supports Rayquaza, Mimikyu, Mew, and Celebii. SnK drops another fighting game but for the switch, SNK Heroines will be up for grabs during the summer.
Square Enix surprises DoubleTap with some big plans for Six DLC hinted characters and CrashTag bring up some possible team strategies being used as Mezza gives his impressions on the beta. Arcsys and Bandai struggle with their Dragonball Fighter Z beta as they have some hiccups but Beerus trailer was released and the full game size was leaked. Can you say so small I can fit it on a five-gigabyte flash drive? Capcom throws final patch notes and gives Sakura week access before purchasing the fighter pack or Sakura alone. Season 3 story pack costumes are also available on the PSN store.
In “Randoms of the FGC” Goku’s voice actor and Vegeta’s voice actor are a go for a head to head clash in Dragonball Fighter Z. KnuckleDu is a free agent, or is he? TSM Zero chooses to hang up his smash 4 towel and become more of a streamer till a new smash game comes out. Dignitas returns to the smash scene with their two melee powerhouse pickups. The “Focus Attack” gives the team a chance to express their feelings towards a twitter comment by responding with a load of answers for onelastsalute’s question. “Any advice you can give to someone looking to host an event later in the year?” Crashtag grabs N3rdStGamers Comeback(Kyle) for some helpful tips! As always it wouldn’t be a DoubleTap podcast without the mod community. Mezza drops a few heavy hitters with theJAMK’s Hulk buster, pharsticage’s Jedah themed Carol, and Khaledantar666 gives us a taste of Dead or Alive in our Street Fighter V.
Video gaming runs in his blood and competition plagues his mind. From the earliest days in the now extinct arcades, to the eSports competitive scene, he looks forward to the next game to test his skills. No stranger to rising salt levels.
Liam makes poor choices and Cora identifies a little too much with the Asari. Time to make sure we have their loyalty!
Summarizing the 85th Live Letter, which is part 1 of announcing patch 7.2 features.
Joel and Ellie find Tommy, meet his wife, and Joel has a breakdown.
H-074C may not the Turian homeworld but it is home to Vetra's loyalty mission and the toughest fight in the game.
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