EVO Japan 2018
EVO Japan ups and downs, Kilk, Groh, Nightmare return to SCVI, DBFZ tech month, Dissidia release, Brutal Ace mods & more!...
From Chicago to Japan the team is finding themselves drained, yet excited for another sit down to discuss some new finds within the Fighting Game Community. A light week of game updates is sweeping this week as CrashTag and Mezza talk about Riots new fighting game Rising Thunder. Rising Thunder gets a community release which allows for local play and online play if the community runs an open server for it. SNK will have their new SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy early build at EVO Japan and CrashTag seems to be up for trying it 100%. CrashTag opens the floor with a Dissidia discussion for the production level on the LevelUp stream for Dissidia Fantasy Finals.
Mezza gets hit with the Android 21 bug and speaks on the trailer and full matches that have showcased her move set so far. Alternate skin colors have stirred some good and bad within the community for Android 21. Battle of the Gods Invitational is going to happen this week with some special guest faces. Don’t feel like earning Android 21 through story play? Well the Double Tap team informs you how to unlock her with an alternate way, but it still will cost you. IGN dips their hands into a review for Dragon Ball FighterZ. Capcom shows a little support and update as Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite and says we don’t like unblockables either.
Street Fighter V gets a new Grand Master mode added for online play. Karin has an official Ingrid costume released. In “Randoms of The FGC” Kenneth Bradley joins Ghost Gaming and seems to be staying in their house as well. Guile esports dips into Pokken and picks up another strong contender Kevin “Oreo” Menz. CyberStorm Gaming picks up Frankie Gomez for DBFZ. Just Guard Gaming throws a disc to Franke “2PlayRough” Sisto so he can Jam with the pros. PG Plup finally puts his name among the gods as one as he wins Genesis 5 melee by beating Liquid Hungrybox. Ketchup/Mustard throwdown with the Mortal Kombat meta and inform people how things have changed.
For the “Focus Attack/Travel Segment” Mezza talks about his Frosty Faustings experience and CrashTag talks Japan pre game trip. As always mods never escape the teams eye and SleepMaster brings forth a bit of Tekken in our Street Fighter V with this cool Nash wearing a Raven skin.
Video gaming runs in his blood and competition plagues his mind. From the earliest days in the now extinct arcades, to the eSports competitive scene, he looks forward to the next game to test his skills. No stranger to rising salt levels.
Liam makes poor choices and Cora identifies a little too much with the Asari. Time to make sure we have their loyalty!
Summarizing the 85th Live Letter, which is part 1 of announcing patch 7.2 features.
Joel and Ellie find Tommy, meet his wife, and Joel has a breakdown.
H-074C may not the Turian homeworld but it is home to Vetra's loyalty mission and the toughest fight in the game.
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