In Orbit
In Orbit was Mash Those Button’s weekly podcast dedicated to Destiny and its community. In each episode, we discussed recent news, upcoming events, community issues, and talk about our personal Destiny experiences.
Born in the 80's, given a NES and Gameboy at a young age, Jorge grew up in gaming and experienced gaming in many cultures due to moving around the world. Now in New Jersey, an older Jorge continues his journey in gaming. Adobo included.
Been gaming since birth and he\'s not gonna stop now. Call of Duty was the first shooter that pulled him in and his love for shooters has developed into a love of Destiny. He\'s now a Guardian, proud to protect the traveler and slay my foes in Crucible.
A former professional cyclist, gaming has always been Jordan\\\'s preferred method of stress-relief. Traditionally an action RPG\\\'er, he has recently been ensnared in the modern MMO/RPG/FPS genre, and talks about it as a host of In Orbit.
More Episodes
Iron Banner returns, power level controversy, and more with BrickInNick!
Agents from Team SITREP join Go2NRG to discuss their impressions on Destiny 2!
Exodus Crash isn't fun, Leviathan review, "Mida's Touch" on Crucible, and your questions this week on IO!
In Orbit goes into a story spoiler review of the main campaign, discusses our impressions of the raid, and finishes up with your questions!
In Orbit discusses Destiny 2 and our initial impressions with the live game!
Final D2 prep is underway as the new game is set for launch! In Orbit discusses this and your questions with Wilhe1m Scream.
PC Beta around the corner, European Dead Zone is shown, and Messages From The Reef!
Final few game shows before Destiny 2, a look back at Trials of Osiris, and more D2 content talk!
Beta updates, sugar rush with Pop-Tarts, Edge Magazine, and McFarlane toys on today's In Orbit!
Bungie is feeling what Monster is putting down, Destiny 2's beta is coming for PC players along with restrictions, PVP vs PVE, and Messages from the Reef!
Bungie gives us information on the PC Beta, preorder "gifts" are abundant but questionable, more beta talk, and Messages from the Reef!
In Orbit plays the beta and goes into our personal thoughts on it.
TWAB, IGN Information Bag continued, and Messages From The Reef in this final episode before D2 beta begins!
Rasputin Radio joins Jorge to discuss GuardianCon and IGN's info dump!
Jorge and David go over GuardianCon, the TWAB, weapon rolls, and story and world building future.
TWAB, Lost Sectors, Destiny 1 items, Luke Smith's comments, PC feel, this week's featured streamer, and Messages from the Reef!
Destiny 2 is in full swing with post-E3 discussion about PC release date, story changes, beta discussion, and PlayStation exclusive items!
Rasputin Radio host Christopher “Chikinfingaz” Wagner joins to discuss Arcstriders, PC talk, E3, and Anthem, the latest challenger to Destiny's supremacy.
David returns to discuss Destiny 2, no more updates for Destiny, and subclasses!
Carmine from Cartridge Blast Gamers joins Jorge in a discussion about the community that built up for Destiny 1, and the anticipation for Destiny 2's community and game!
In Orbit reviews Destiny 2's gameplay reveal as Dominus Ghaul and the Red Legion invade the Solar System!
The final TWAB before Destiny 2 news kicks into high gear, GameStop reveals class pets or subclasses potentially with sigils, questions from the audience in Messages From The Reef.
SleepingDogfish returns to the conversation with Iron Banner Mayhem, powerful abilities, changes to abilities in Destiny 2, support class discussion, and Messages From The Reef!
Dead ghosts heralding the darkness of Destiny 2, Radegast is given a voice, raiding with Destiny 2 around the corner, and your live questions in Messages from the Reef!
Captain McFly joins us for discussion about the future of Destiny, conceptual changes, Wrath of the Machine, and speculation on a mysterious tweet!
Iron Banner, King's Fall, coming soon, and Men In Kilts charity.
Vault of Glass refreshed, returning Iron Banner, our progress with the book, and excitement for other raids!
The story reveal for Destiny 2, pre-ordering the game, and the current release of the Age of Triumph update!
Destiny 2, elemental primaries, and raid challenges.
ContraBang joins the In Orbit crew to discuss Age of Triumph and his experience with the game!
In Orbit is confronted with beginning of the final countdown to Destiny 2! Age of Triumph celebrates us as guardians by sending us back to refreshed raids!
The path to Destiny 2 opens with a brief stop on the Age of Triumph to celebrate the time with Destiny 1.
Continued discussion of, discussion, Iron Banner Supremacy, and guests discuss their experience with Destiny in this week's In Orbit!
McFarlane Toys revealed, is in the works, and we discuss the current and future hotfixes!
Activision confirms Destiny 2 for Fall 2017, HotFix is previewed on Bungie's stream, McFarlane Toys hints at Destiny figures, and FTC Episode 100 shows concept images.
Jorge's Back, HotFix is on the horizon, Mega Bloks goes mega spoiler, and DestinyCon is officially trademarked by Bungie!
An in-depth look at the weekly update from Bungie and our thoughts as to the current state of Destiny.
The In Orbit team takes a look at the return of Iron Banner, what's in store next for Destiny, the impending crucible balancing patch, and the new format for the Bungie Bounty.
The In Orbit crew discusses the past two episodes and crucible, including Sweats rules, in depth!
The Destiny social spaces and end game (and what that entails) are discussed by the In Orbit crew!
Destiny 1 in review! We discuss patrol, story, what we liked, didn't like, and would like to see in the future.
Look back at Destiny 2016, Streamer Racing League, and Funko Pop Figures!
The Dawning event is discussed with PVE & SRL in focus, but are these changes enough? What about PVP? And we take questions from you, the audience!
The Dawning is coming with PVE & PVP items, China lays the smackdown on RNG, Bungie has friends, and more!
In Orbit explores the Dawning, a holiday event bringing PVE & PVP activities and Iron Banner!
Destiny ride along, matchmaking fiasco, streamers bounce, and what about the rest of the community?
On today’s show, Aksis challenge, Bungie streaming emblem, Iron Banner control, A "clever" meta, and expansive and wide Trials of Osiris!
The In Orbit crew go over the surprising release of challenge mode and discuss the plateau we are reaching.
The disappointing Festival Of The Lost, an extended look at hand cannons and how range works in game, Trials of Osiris DDoSing, and a fundamental change in this week's tournament which is turning a few heads!
Festival Of The Lost, Hard Mode Wrath, and PVP & PVE!
Upcoming light changes and the future of Destiny!
Iron Banner dominates with rewards, "heroic" mode comes to Wrath!
Week 2 Of Rise Of Iron Is In The Books! How Is In Orbit Doing With it?
In Orbit discusses Rise Of Iron and all it brings (and doesn't bring).
Rise Of Iron is upon us and we preview Iron Banner and PVP!
Cosmodrome Winter Tour, Iron Banner, Destiny Collection and MFTR!
Cosmodrome Winter Tour, Iron Banner, and Moments Of Triumph!
The Technodrome talks lag and connectivity, and the future of the game.
We talk patch 2.3.0, the hotfix, and heavy glitches!
Crucible ride along, Challenge Of Elders, Rise Of Iron... The future is now!
Trials of Osiris and IB cancelled! Bungie ViDocs review, and Rise of Iron?
Bungie's Twitch shows, patch adds some punch to the game, Iron Banner, and more!
In Orbit reviews the Taken Spring, new grimore, and Q/A from you the fans!
The April update, staff changes at Bungie, and the group talks their favorite moments.
Bungie finally delivers some news on the April update.
Destiny players hungry for content maybe turning to The Division. Can Destiny recover from this?
Light news, Iron Banner, and more Q&A on this episode of In Orbit.
Plans for the future of Destiny has been revealed. Is it enough to save the game?
The last episode was wishful, but now the frustrations are coming out.
With not much news floating around, In Orbit dreams about the future.
The In Orbit team discusses SRL, Iron Banner, and loot, loot, and more loot during the post holiday lull.
Sparrow racing, questioning challenge modes difficulty, and talk about the future with monthly content updates.
Nerfs, buffs, and Sparrow Racing... Yay...
The faith of Destiny players teeters. Will Bungie do anything about it?
Frustrations with bugs and lame loot are coming to a head across the Destiny community.
First Iron Banner of year 2, Trials of Osiris delayed again, concerns for future exotic side quests, King's Fall hard mode, the truth about Destiny's development, and more.
It's the big TTK episode with special guest, Nick Layton,
A lot of changes coming with The Taken King. The In Orbit team discusses upcoming weapon balance, changes to the tower, even bigger changes to the overall game, and how that's going to affect players.
Excitement, yet pause, for the upcoming "The Taken King" DLC/game.
The In Orbit crew welcomes a new member and talks more Destiny as The Taken King approaches.
The arrogance displayed in Luke Smith's recent interview isn't what Bungie needs right now with it's dwindling player base.
In this episode we talk about the House of Wolves and the return of the Mythoclast.
In this episode we discuss what we know about House of Wolves, changes to The Crucible, stats on the Destiny playerbase, and more.
Content drought, the recent weapons update, vault addition to the companion app, Inferno mode, Trials of Osiris, and more.
Mash Those Buttons is proud to launch our newest podcast dedicated to Destiny. This episode we discuss Crota Hard Mode, the upcoming weapon nerf, Bungie merging skirmish maps with other Crucible types, House of Wolves Details and more.