On this week’s episode, we’re joined by the Lafon, Contenders China Caster/Analyst, ELO Hell Content Creator, and Overwatch Coach with Tespa Carleton. We dive in to the festivities from this weekend’s Atlanta Homestand, including all 8 games, some epic 1v1 matchups, and the league’s continued move to a city based platform. We recap which teams are gaining steam, which are losing out, and which ones are building for future seasons.

We also cover the recent retirements of LA Valiant Tank Kuki and the reported signing of GRUNTo esports Main Tank Tizi by the Vancouver Titans.

Next, we break down the Stage 3 playoff picture, analyzing each matchup and potential strengths/weaknesses for each team. We cover which squads stand to benefit most from the current meta, and which have the best shot at winning this Stage’s Grand Final.

We also drop some F’s in the chat for grumpy ESPN Viewers/Monte Cristo and look ahead to a particularly exciting coming attraction, Avastcon.


Julian Quezada

Julian is an Overwatch podcaster and host of Push the Point. He's an avid fan of Disney movies, Star Wars, and losing SR points. You can typically find him watching/playing Overwatch, or watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

Chris Lobosco

LoBosco is an esports broadcaster who has wandered his way over to podcasting. As if casting every chance he can wasn't enough, now he wants to talk about Overwatch League as much as he casts. You can hear him with Ramses on Push the Point.

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