This week LoBosco is joinedby Thibbledork since Ramses is still out of town. They begin their discussion by talking about the major player news that dropped, cover the games from Week 1 of the Summer Showdown and then wrap up looking ahead to Week 2 of the qualifers.

Striker, one of the legends of the game has decied to retire from the Overwatch League. Leaving a major void on a San Francisco Shock roster that has not been the dominate force of the past. In his stead ANS has retruned to the Shock, LoBosco and Thibble discuss all the implcations of both these moves and Strikers place in the pantheon of Overwatch. The Hangzhou Spark also made a move this week dropping their longtime DPS mainstay GodsB who has found himself on the outside looking in on the Spark’s DPS rotation. The guys speculate on some good landing places for GodsB who at one time was one of the highest performing DPS in the league. The last piece of player news came from the Toronto Defiant, Beast announced his retirment, a once highly sought after Contenders player has not had the impact many thought he might in the league. His loss for passion and how often players cite that specific reason is also discussed.

LoBosco and Thibbledork break down the games from the previous week and highlight the two games from the Los Angeles Gladiators. The Gladators great potential and inconsistnecy were shown this week in both of their games, winning a hard fought for high paced 3-2 win over the Shock and a 3-2 reverse sweep loss to the Paris Eternal.

To round things out, the guys take a look at week 2 of the Summer Showdown qualifiers and give some of their most anticipated games for the week.


Chris Lobosco

LoBosco is an esports broadcaster who has wandered his way over to podcasting. As if casting every chance he can wasn't enough, now he wants to talk about Overwatch League as much as he casts. You can hear him with Ramses on Push the Point.

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February 28th, 2025

WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!