We begin this episode with a brief “F’s in the chat” as the Guangzhou Charge take on Herbalife Nutrition, noted a multilevel marketing company, as a primary sponsor and nutritional supplier. We talk about the unfortunate regularity of shady companies sponsoring sports teams, and why it’s not as uncommon in OWL as you may think.

Next, we give our recap of the APAC bracket for the Summer Showdown tournament. We cover each match and provide analysis of our favorite moments, player performances and more. We move through the tourney covering the amazing run from the Guangzhou Charge as well as disappointing performances from the Seoul Dynasty and NYXL.

Lastly, we give our impressions on what may be the final hero pool in Season 3 of Overwatch League, as well as some additional league insight provided by OWL VP Jon Spector.


Julian Quezada

Julian is an Overwatch podcaster and host of Push the Point. He's an avid fan of Disney movies, Star Wars, and losing SR points. You can typically find him watching/playing Overwatch, or watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

Chris Lobosco

LoBosco is an esports broadcaster who has wandered his way over to podcasting. As if casting every chance he can wasn't enough, now he wants to talk about Overwatch League as much as he casts. You can hear him with Ramses on Push the Point.

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Squad Goals #88: Still on Kadara
February 28th, 2025

WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!