The Vault with our Stars
We finally let the Moshae go home to reveal the secret of Aya's vault. Also, we are now free to move about the city....
Nick, Chip, and Kurabara are back this week to talk about their experiences playing through Mass Effect Andromeda. This week we head to Kadara Port, seeking a traitorous Angaran who helped the Kett abduct the Moshae. After a quick recap of events, the guys are free to venture out into the badlands of Kadara.
The start by talking about Vehn Terev and his broken transponder. They talk about how there are a ton of side quests on Kadara and the best way to approach it. They observe that the toxic water makes navigation annoying and the Nomad cannot simply drive through any of the lakes or puddles. They talk about Kadara Port’s location on the map and complain that to get to the planet you have to enter through the port proper.
They review the history of the Port going from Angaran control to Kett occupation to Exile territory. They discuss Sloane Kelly who Chip does not care for. Nick wonders about the Collective leader the Charlatan. They compare Kadara Port to Mos Eisley.
They discuss Reyes Vidal, the Resistance operative who is helping Ryder. They further discuss Sloane and compare her to a Mad Max character. The guys wonder about how populous the outcast raiders are given that they all had to come via ship from the Milky Way. They discuss Kaetus’ mission to have Ryder cover up some Kett stragglers on Kadara, and debate whether that makes Sloane look weak.
They mention finding a guy that died because he didn’t believe the warnings that the water was poisonous. They talk about the Tartarus bar, and one of its inhabitants, Cassandra Verner. They talk about the outcast physician Dr. Nakamoto. They discuss if they flirted with Reyes, since everyone has that option. They talk about the Collective hideout in a cave.
Next, they talk about the monoliths and vault on Kadara. They observe that the Eirochs on Kadara are annoying and respawn too quickly. They wonder if the planets would have been better (and less repetitive) with two monoliths. They discuss options for changing the gameplay of the vaults and why they might not have been chosen. They talk about the styles of fun as it applies to Andromeda.
Finally, they talk about some side quests. They mention having to choose between justice and credits. They get into a discussion of cannibalism and how it applies to aliens. And they conclude with a quest that features scientists too extreme even for Cerberus.
Thank you for listening to Squad Goals – A Mass Effect Andromeda Podcast! Please send any comments or questions to or on Bluesky.
Host of WoW! Talk! and The Tauren & The Goblin. Sometimes known as the Video Games Public Defender. Wants to play more Destiny and Marvel Heroes but WoW is all-consuming. Decent F2P Hearthstone player. Sad that he lost the Wii that had Wrecking Crew on it. Would be happy if the only game ever made was M.U.L.E. Gragtharr on Skywall-US. Garresque on Ravencrest-US.
Chip has a boring adult day job and then burns as much free time as possible playing the videos james. Fond of a variety of MMOs, JRPGs, and action games without active time button mashing.
A mostly story-focused episode. No Live Letter here, we'll be talking about that soon!
Meeting Bill and a living Frank while Joel and Ellie travel to Bill's Town.
We head to Kadara, home of warlord Sloane Kelly, the suave Reyes Vidal, and sycophant sister Cassandra Verner!
Rei and Eric are acheiving things, Kura is crafting, and Nick says that all these rewards are not enough.
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