Nick, Chip, and Kurabara are back once again to continue talking about their experiences playing through Mass Effect Andromeda! This week, we finally take the Moshae back to Aya after she’s been sitting on the Tempest for ages.

They begin by talking about the what Angarans eat and wonder about getting solar lamps on the Tempest. After a quick recap of events, they discuss the big revelation from Aya’s vault – that there’s a control center for the vaults named Meridian, and they need to get the location from the Archon. They talk about how the vault was just a cutscene and not an actual location with combat and puzzles.

Next, they discuss using various profiles for different activities and talk about biotic jumping. They also talk about leveling up their skills.

They wonder about some open questions that would have been left for Andromeda 2, and observe that much of the lore is accessible in terminals that are easily missed. Chip points out that interactive objects should trigger on the scanner. They also discuss the speed of the story and much of the open world of the game can be skipped.

They compare their time on Aya being able to freely travel against their prior visit when they were escorted. Nick mentions the overlook where you can see storms and tornados in the distance. They discuss the Tavetaan and compare it to a bar or bistro. They wonder if it would be possible to meet every remaining Angara. They talk about the Angaran lottery to live on Aya.

Next, they talk about finding the crew on Aya. Cora is watching the Resistance train. Peebee is getting drunk in the museum. Liam encourages Ryder to get in trouble. Jaal is getting the attention of some female Angaran.

They also discuss some of the side quests, such as collecting messages from the Angaran for Director Tann. They realize that the so-called First Contact with the Kett on Habitat 7 was not first contact. They wonder about eating food from a different galaxy, and how convenient it is that all these planets are mostly hospitable for humanity.

They discuss Angaran society some more, and then mention that their next goal will have them going to Kadara Port.

Thank you for listening to Squad Goals – A Mass Effect Andromeda Podcast! Please send any comments or questions to or on Bluesky.


Nick Zielenkievicz

Host of WoW! Talk! and The Tauren & The Goblin. Sometimes known as the Video Games Public Defender. Wants to play more Destiny and Marvel Heroes but WoW is all-consuming. Decent F2P Hearthstone player. Sad that he lost the Wii that had Wrecking Crew on it. Would be happy if the only game ever made was M.U.L.E. Gragtharr on Skywall-US. Garresque on Ravencrest-US.

Chip Locke

Chip has a boring adult day job and then burns as much free time as possible playing the videos james. Fond of a variety of MMOs, JRPGs, and action games without active time button mashing.

Cory Treadway

Cory has been gaming ever since he fished an NES out of a trash can. A broad gamer who enjoys everything from FPS, Racing, RPGs, MMOS, RTS, World Building, Puzzles, Dating, Horror, Cooking, Sports. If its a game I will give it a try.

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Squad Goals #88: Still on Kadara
February 28th, 2025

WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!