This week our heroes talk about defeating Viscidus, the hardships on AQ40, recent leaks pertaining to Naxxramas and Classic TBC. We also bring on a new host to fill our roster, we think you’ll like her! Below you can find links to all the artichles be discuss.

Fixed a bug that unintentionally allowed Combustion to apply a permanent buff to crit chance.…ust-28/361448

Automatic turn-ins have started on realms that have not completed the war effort.…ure/629473/18

Is it a good time to start Vanilla? A different look from the Kotaku article we saw before.…bout-vanilla-wow

WoW Classic Naxxramas and Burning Crusade start dates reportedly leaked…ly-leaked-1416983


Bob Schissler

IT System Engineer by day, avid gamer by night! Bob has been gaming his entire life and first started standing on a chair playing the arcade version of Super Mario Bros. Now he plays all kinds of games but focuses mainly on Overwatch.

Ryan West

Ryan has been playing games all his life. He\\\'s a Blizzard fanatic from Diablo 2 and Brood War to Overwatch and WoW. He loves RPGs, FPS, platformers, and rogue-likes.

The Latest from Mash

Squad Goals #86: Temu Furiosa
February 13th, 2025

We head to Kadara, home of warlord Sloane Kelly, the suave Reyes Vidal, and sycophant sister Cassandra Verner!