The gang is back to talk all about their experiences now that the Visions of N’Zoth Content Update (aka Patch 8.3) has dropped! Rei, Eric and Harv talk about Order of Corrupted Souls and how they were running Temple of Sethraliss and want any puggers to have to answer a question before joining. Then they discussed working on grinding their new cloaks up to level 6 to be ready for Ny’alotha, coming this week, but Harv has yet to get started.

Nick referenced a reddit post that showed how confusing the currencies in this expansion are, and this lead to a discussion about how they are gating Horrific Visions for this patch. Nick compared this to Torghast and asked if they want or expect to see Torghast gated in a similar fashion. Nick then mentioned an interview Ion did where he talked about there not being a 8.3.5 patch, and the gang talked about how it feels to be going into the content lull, and if that could be part of the reason why they were limiting some content going forward.

Nick talked briefly about his experience unlocking Mechagnomes (and Harv got to talk about his disdain for Mechagon and also goblins). Nick also talked briefly about the Vulpera questline and complained that it made Baine look stupid. He was also upset with Baine for being in the Stormwind throneroom, as that just felt wrong.

Rei, Eric and Harv talked about trying to get Herald of the Titans before Shadowlands comes and the leveling changes may make it hard or impossible. Nick said he was glad that some challenges still exist in the game from expansions past.

They talk about some bugs that affected daily quest resets at login.

Nick also mentions Squeakers, the new mouse mount and says that we can expect a new mount every six months or so like it.

WoW Classic has content unlocking on February 12.

Harv and Nick look back at episode #50.

Thank you for listening to WoW! Talk! Our next live show is scheduled for 2/2/19 at 10:30 pm E at twitch.tvmashthosebuttons. For any scheduling updates, please follow us on twitter @wowtalkmtb. Send any emails about your thoughts or feedback on to


Nick Zielenkievicz

Host of WoW! Talk! and The Tauren & The Goblin. Sometimes known as the Video Games Public Defender. Wants to play more Destiny and Marvel Heroes but WoW is all-consuming. Decent F2P Hearthstone player. Sad that he lost the Wii that had Wrecking Crew on it. Would be happy if the only game ever made was M.U.L.E. Gragtharr on Skywall-US. Garresque on Ravencrest-US.

Rei Liou

Rei is the 1 of the 5 SEELE members and the Ops Director at MTB. She enjoys anime, baking, cooking, gaming ( fighting, puzzle, rhythm, RPGs ), and spending WAY too much time working on spreadsheets. Current Games: Tales of Crestoria, WoW

Eric Knutson

Auto mechanic, car enthusiast, gamer, runner and almost never serious, Eric has been ditching responsibilities and gaming since age 7. His favorite genres are FPS and racing, although most of his game time is currently spent on WoW

Christopher Greer

Chris has been playing World of Warcraft since 2007. When he's not playing his hunter in Azeroth, he's probably playing one of his many alt hunters. If not doing that, he's probably playing a different hunter.

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