Nick, Jorge, and Joel got together to discuss E3 2017 and the Year of Mario.
XBox One
Waldy77 returns to the podcast to talk Overwatch on consoles post-release, common problems we've been seeing, as well as solutions.
PC is our main squeeze, but tonight we focus on console.
Mash Those Buttons wraps up last year and bring in the new year.
Konami vs Kojima, Nintendo NX rumors, and more.
YouTube Red, Harmonix reviewing their own games, Konami in denial, Ubisoft on the defensive, and more on this episode.
Motiga staff talks community coaching and art design of Gigantic.
Some important things we've missed over the past few weeks, promising job openings at Microsoft, Playstation Now going live, Farcry 4 temporarily stripped from users, and more.
Free AC: Unity DLC, Sony going hard in China, and a CS:GO hacking scandal.
Gamestops overhauled trade-in policy, Twitch's new policies, Dan Adelman leaving Nintendo, and how Video Games are good for children.
PC market is looking good again, XBox Entertainment Studio shuts down while XBox One sells double, DOTA 2 on ESPN, and a little honesty about DLC.
PSN rentals, Project Morpheus, PS4 Camera, Walmart used games, and more.
EA's priorities vs Ubisoft's priorities, major departures from Sony and Naughty Dog, and XBox One bundles.
Ken Levine's leaving Irrational Games, Wii U getting the cold should from devs, Deep Down leaving out female heroes, and XBox One's new remote.