Squad Goals Cover

Squad Goals

Squad Goals – A Mass Effect Podcast is a discussion of the story of the Mass Effect trilogy and Mass Effect Andromeda as experienced by three guys playing through them. With each person taking their own journey through the game, be it as male or female Shepard and Ryder, Paragon or Renegade or other, we look to analyze and dissect our experiences as we go from trailing Saren to combatting a full-on Reaper onslaught and venturing to a new galaxy. From Citadel to Omega to the Nexus and beyond, join us as we cover the Mass Effect universe.

Executive Producer
Jarret Redding
Nick Zielenkievicz
Jarret Redding
Nick Zielenkievicz


Nick Zielenkievicz

Host of WoW! Talk! and The Tauren & The Goblin. Sometimes known as the Video Games Public Defender. Wants to play more Destiny and Marvel Heroes but WoW is all-consuming. Decent F2P Hearthstone player. Sad that he lost the Wii that had Wrecking Crew on it. Would be happy if the only game ever made was M.U.L.E. Gragtharr on Skywall-US. Garresque on Ravencrest-US.

Chip Locke

Chip has a boring adult day job and then burns as much free time as possible playing the videos james. Fond of a variety of MMOs, JRPGs, and action games without active time button mashing.

Cory Treadway

Cory has been gaming ever since he fished an NES out of a trash can. A broad gamer who enjoys everything from FPS, Racing, RPGs, MMOS, RTS, World Building, Puzzles, Dating, Horror, Cooking, Sports. If its a game I will give it a try.

Season 1

#1: Introduction
May 13th, 2021

Meet Nick, Chip, and Kurabara who will be taking the galactic journey through the Mass Effect games.

#5: Paging Doctor T'Soni
June 10th, 2021

Liara finally shows up to complete the party and we return to the Citadel only to encounter some... uh... mean people.

#6: Feros, Reaper's Day Off
June 17th, 2021

No Reapers this week as we instead deal with the ancient, mind controlling plant known as the Thorian.

#7: The Space TSA & The ESRB
June 24th, 2021

Noveria is cold but the hotel is hot with corporate intrigue as Shepard must find a way into the garage.

#11: On Virmire: Massacre Effect
July 23rd, 2021

The squad finally arrives on Virmire, where Mass Effect becomes MASS EFFECT. Goodbye, full team-selection screen.

#17: The End of the Beginning
September 2nd, 2021

We head to Ilos for some exposition and then return to a burny Citadel to finish the game. Find out who survives!!!

Season 2

#22: Dr. Okeer, I Presume?
October 14th, 2021

We head off to recruit the krogan scientist Dr. Okeer, but who comes back to the Normandy with us?

#24: Horizon, For Bitchy Pests
October 29th, 2021

Kaiden is back and WOW WTF DUDE I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS, A--HOLE! Unless its Ashley who is also standoffish.

#28: Reunions (On Liara and Tali)
December 2nd, 2021

We finish up Illium (for now) by finally meeting with Liara, and then its time to fight some Geth and reunite with Tali!

#35: Fire Walk with Me
February 3rd, 2022

Shepard gets a new hovercraft called the Hammerhead and has fun with the Blood Pack and Blue Suns!

#39: Human Reaper
March 14th, 2022

The Collectors invade the Normandy so Shepard invades the Collector Base.

Season 3

#42: On Paragon Lost
April 4th, 2022

We pause before starting Mass Effect 3 to learn the backstory of James Vega and the tragedy of Fehl Prime.

#44: Mars Attacks!
April 14th, 2022

Its a Mass Effect 1 reunion as Liara joins up to help fight Cerberus while Kaiden or Ashley get their ass KICKED.

#48: On Sur'Kesh
May 23rd, 2022

Wrex! Kirrahe! Mordin! Eve! A Yahg! Sur'kesh puts everyone under Cerberus attack and results in an awesome mission!

#50: Sex and the Citadel
June 16th, 2022

Shepard's just trying to finish some side quests but there's some coupling going on around the Citadel...

#56: Legion is the new Archer
October 6th, 2022

Quarians! Geth! Legion stuck in a ball! Plus Traynor beats Shepard at chess, James is being promoted, and Allers!

#57: Philosophy Goals
October 13th, 2022

Shepard has to rescue a Quarian Admiral and then shuts out the lights on a Geth server. And how old is Legion?

#58: Canadian Lager
October 20th, 2022

Between Rannoch missions, we spend time with the crew. Javik is an asshole, Donnelly is, well, Donnelly, & EDI is weird!

#60: Asari, Not Asari
November 3rd, 2022

As Thessia falls, Javik flashes a glimpse of humanity while the Liara learns how little she knows about Asari history.

#61: Prothean Cerberus!!!
November 10th, 2022

There must always be a Cerberus, so that the Crucible is never completed. Also, Shepard struggles after a bad loss.

#65: Horizon: Zero Deal
December 15th, 2022

Miranda doesn't mince words with her father, while he pretty much minces up the refugees of Sanctuary.

#69: The End of the End
January 19th, 2023

It is time for us to finally discuss the Mass Effect 3 ending. Lets shoot some Reapers and confront the Illusive Man!

#70: Looking Back at the Trilogy
March 16th, 2023

Jarret joins the Squad to look back over the Mass Effect series, its development, and how the games relate to each other.

N7 Day 2023
November 30th, 2023

The guys check in from their hiatus to talk about the recent N7 Day teaser! Who's under the mask???

Season 4

#72: Welcome to Andromeda!
November 7th, 2024

Squad Goals returns to talk about Mass Effect Andromeda and this week we prepare for our journey 600 years in the future.

#74: Planetside: Habitat 7
November 21st, 2024

Chip does not think highly of Alec Ryder's decision making skills. And have we found our Kaiden and Ashley?

#75: Nexus Beings
November 28th, 2024

We meet our big bad of the game, and then head to the Nexus where everyone is overwhelmed. Let's get to work!

#76: Strange Bedfellows
December 5th, 2024

We explore the sleek new Tempest and start to get to know the crew, a little too well in some cases!

#77: FIEND!
December 12th, 2024

The gang deals with raditation and Kett as they explore Eos. Stay in the protected zones and watch out for the FIEND!

#78: CSI: Nexus
December 19th, 2024

Murder was the case they gave Nilken but did he deserve it? Also, we check in on the rest of the Nexus post-Eos mission.

#79: Angara Management
December 26th, 2024

Ryder heads to Aya and meets the Angara. Surely this has to go better than first contact with the Kett, right?

#80: Welcome to the Jungle
January 2nd, 2025

Welcome to Havarl! They've got Turians and missing monoliths and reincarnated Angaran! Just watch out for the Eiroch!

#81: Ah S***, Here We Go Again
January 9th, 2025

Ryder and team may have missed out on the events of ME2 by leaving the galaxy but the Kett are determined to fix that.

#82: Return to Eos
January 16th, 2025

This week we return to Eos where there's Kett, a place named Advent, children in one form or another, and an Architect!

#83: Baby, It's Voeld Outside
January 23rd, 2025

Voeld has so much to do it could fill several brochures, but there are no beaches. All we can do is stay extra frosty!

On Bioware
February 4th, 2025

Bioware suffered a reorginization as the company prepares for Mass Effect 5 and Veilguard "underperformed."

#85: The Vault with our Stars
February 7th, 2025

We finally let the Moshae go home to reveal the secret of Aya's vault. Also, we are now free to move about the city.

#86: Temu Furiosa
February 13th, 2025

We head to Kadara, home of warlord Sloane Kelly, the suave Reyes Vidal, and sycophant sister Cassandra Verner!

#87: Badlands, Good Times
February 20th, 2025

We check out Kadara, where the Eirochs, Outlaws, and medicinal drugs are plenty. Also, we debate the AI population.

#89: Trouble in Every Bubble
March 6th, 2025

H-074C may not the Turian homeworld but it is home to Vetra's loyalty mission and the toughest fight in the game.

More Episodes

#88: Still on Kadara
February 28th, 2025

WE'RE STILL ON KADARA!?!? How much more is there to do??? An Architect? An outpost? A party??? Lets get drunk!!!