The Tauren & The Goblin
The Tauren & the Goblin is Mash Those Button’s podcast that focuses on the story and lore of the World of Warcraft. Each episode, hosts Nick and Katie discuss topics ranging from recent in-game events to Azeroth’s titanic history, usually with the added perspective of playing Tauren and Goblin characters, respectively. New episodes are released every other Tuesday.
Host of WoW! Talk! and The Tauren & The Goblin. Sometimes known as the Video Games Public Defender. Wants to play more Destiny and Marvel Heroes but WoW is all-consuming. Decent F2P Hearthstone player. Sad that he lost the Wii that had Wrecking Crew on it. Would be happy if the only game ever made was M.U.L.E. Gragtharr on Skywall-US. Garresque on Ravencrest-US.
Katie is a long time gamer who has fallen in love with multiple genres. She started young by playing Nintendo 64, Spyro, and Blizzard games such as Warcraft II with family, then eventually moved into playing games in both my leisure time and as a occupation. She loves being immersed in different universes and exploring the characters that live in them, as well as just playing games for a good time.
Season 8
Nick and Katie go over the early Tyr quests and the Forbidden Reach quests from Dragonflight.
Katie is back to share her throughts on Dragonflight, Amydrassil, and Lor'themar and Thalyssra's Wedding!
Nick is back to chat about some of the negativity he is seeing online, as well as theorize about Vyranoth's role to come.
This week Ban'orak joins Nick to talk about the Orc Heritage Armor questline. Do you have a favorite orc? They are here.
Gin and Ali from Live, Laugh, Lore join Nick to talk about how to love the lore despite knowing the backstage issues.
Nick lets his wrestling geek out with Berzerker of Unshackled Fury as they give out awards for the best of Dragonflight.
Nick is joined by Cyrub & Projali from Scrubs vs. the World to discuss what they wish for many Dragonflight characters!
Nick is joined by Gershom from Thrall's Balls to talk about the 10.0.7 cinematic with the Primal Incarnates and more!
Nick returns solo to talk about Dragonflight so far. Also, which heroes best represent their class? NEMSY GANG RISE UP!
Season 7
Nick and Katie are back to bid farewell to Sylvanas and to Shadowlands.
You can't go off-topic if you never establish one at the start. Can Ragnaros celebrate 150 episodes by line dancing?
Katie has some thoughts on Calia Menethil's ascension amongst Forsaken leadership.
A little chit chat about the recent mobile game news followed by a dive into the first half of Sylvanas.
Skoll Shorties joins Nick to go through the history of our favorite half orc-half ogre, Rexxar!
Nick and Katie share their reaction to the Dragonflight announcement.
Nick and Katie are feeling better and talk about Yogg-Saron for real this time.
We apologize for the audio quality. Nick and Katie weren't feeling good when this was recorded.
Nick and Katie talk about Zereth Mortis and the Sepulcher cinematics. And they keep talking. For a while.
Cyrub and Projali join Nick and Katie to talk about the biggest scrubs in the Shadowlands and 9.2 hype!
Nick and Katie look at the faction divide and try to figure out if Cross-Faction Raiding fits the current lore.
Season 6
Its more best wishes for 2022! The Winter Queen should run a salon! Elune needs a clue! Azeroth needs a shield!
Nick and Katie ring in 2022 by sharing what they wish for several characters in the new year!
Nick and Katie discuss the patch 9.2 Sylvanas cinematic and then take some listener mail!
Come for the 9.2 Announcement analysis, stay for the Old God Hershey Kisses and Tauren Pedicures!
Katie is back so Nick can share his bizarre theory about Elune as they speculate over her origins.
Nick talks briefly about Hearthstone mercenaries and introducing new characters.
We look at more of the lore reveals of Grimoire. Could the Sepulcher be on Azeroth? Could it BE Azeroth???
Grimoire of the Shadowlands wasn't quite what we expected, but we still can start digging into the lore it contains.
If Darth Vader can be redeemed, why not Sylvanas?
We finally finish up talking about "Folk & Fairy Tales of Azeroth!" Or is it (Folk & Fairy) x Tales + of Azeroth?
Nick and Katie react and discuss the news about Blizzard's toxic culture.
Nick is alone and speculating talking about the Tazavesh Lore Book and wondering about an Elune-Jailer relationship.
This week we dive into the Sylvanas story, joke about the Uther story, and enjoy the Forsaken story.
A short episode for a week where the biggest news was battle.net is global and flying, like love, won't cost a thing.
Katie returns and she and Nick go wild wondering about the Jailer and the cosmos and the Brokers and more!
Dracoris and Sirithe from the LFR podcast join Nick and dive into the 9.1 spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
Nick compares the arc of Wanda in Wandavision to what Sylvanas' story. Can Wanda's ending suggest Sylvanas' fate?
Nick talks about his experience playing the Kyrian Covenant Campaign. Uther! Pelagos! Emotions?
Spazz Wesson returns to fill in for Katie and walk us through the Venthyr Campaign! So much Kael'thas! So little shirt!
Katie returns to go deep on the Necrolord campaign. There are too many people with K, apostrophe, and T in their name!
Spazz Wesson and Kurabara join Nick to teach him all about the Night Fae campaign. There are some big spoilers in this one!
We go over the Kingsmourne cinematic for the Chains of Domination patch and then debate which zone is smelliest.
Nick and Katie hate Denathrius but love Theotar and the Dredgers and Stonehead! Come have a tea party while we consider the Light's presence in Revendreth!
Nick considers a Night Fae-Naaru connection, then he and Katie run through the Spriggans, Drust, and Gorm to point out that each is more annoying than the last. Finally they gush over Ysera's return.
This week we recap the Maldraxxus portion of the campaign and talk about the great characters you meet, like Marileth, Vashj, Emeni, and more!
Season 5
Nick and Katie continue their best wishes by talking about Ysera, Vol'jin, Uther, Arthas, Draka, Garrosh, Kael'thas, and more! Come for the wishes, stay for the crazy theorizing!
Nick and Katie share their best wishes for the new year for Sylvanas, The Jailer, Bolvar, Tyrande, Anduin, Jaina, Thrall, and more!
Edanar from Clan of Three joins to talk a little about Bastion and the nature of the overall Shadowlands campaign and fight with Katie over goblins and Wisconsin and Arrakoa.
Nick and Katie step through the veil into The Shadowlands and Oribos!
Nick and Katie discuss the short story "Terror by Torchlight" and then comment on the cinematic duel between Tyrande and Nathanos.
Before we encounter Kael'thas in the Shadowlands, let's set back our sights on his time on Azeroth and Outland.
Gin and Ali from Live, Laugh, Lore come on to talk about Dreadlords, redemption for Arthas, the nature of souls, and more!
Nick and Katie look over the life of Bolvar Fordragon, from Onyxia to the Wrathgate to the Lich King and now Shadowlands.
The sad part of starting a lore podcast after Warlords of Draenor is that we missed our opportunity to talk about Garrosh Hellscream when he was relevant. That all changes now.
To the good listeners of the Tauren & the Goblin, please enjoy this episode on Afterlives: Revendreth.
Nick starts off at the anger stage of grief while Katie is just sad. Poor Ursoc. He deserved better.
We look at Draka's life and then claw in the dark at what is actually going on in Maldraxxus! Felguards??? What could they mean?!?!?
Nick and Katie were so gobsmacked by Afterlives: Bastion they had no choice but to talk about Uther and the implications of that short!
CognitivePit from Warcraft Reloaded joins Nick and Katie to talk about C'Thun and the opening of the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj.
Class is in session with Warcraft 101 and Katie brings her boyfriend Bryce and her brother James to be students! Let's test our knowledge!
Nick and Katie celebrate 100 episodes by talking about Shadows Rising.
Gin and Nick talk about spoilers for Shadows Rising before reading the book and also get into some spoilers for Shadowlands leveling.
Gin from Morally Grey joins Nick to talk about playing through vanilla, race-changing your main, and podcasting.
Spazz Wesson joins Katie and Nick as they compare 8.3 to other end of expansion patches and discuss their experiences leveling and playing alts.
Nick posits the 2020-Azeroth connection. Also, the Titans do some self-exploration? But mainly, we talk about Lor'themar and Thalyssra!
Frazley joins us to talk about D&D, leveling alts, getting loremaster, and imagining Sylvanas as a gnome.
Nick and Katie discuss the history of N'Zoth and consider his actions. Also, Nick hates helms with horns.
Nick and Katie talk about the Old Gods and the Black Empire and their relationship to death and Earthen Ring and Cuttlefish.
Nick talks about the problems with spoilers and then spoils some of the Final Fantasy VII Remake to compare it to Warcraft lore.
Nick and Katie are back to talk about the history of Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
Nick and Katie take a special look at Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker.
Ali from Dungeon Fables and All Things Azeroth is here to talk about the history of Torghast and its relationship to Icecrown Citadel and speculate on Shadowlands!
Nick and Katie get a little silly going over the early history of the Council of Tirisfal, from the poor decisions around their creation, up until Aegwynn went rogue and birthed Medivh.
Nick and Katie look at a recent article on Vice that claims the similarities in Kerrigan, Sylvanas, and Widowmaker mean that Blizzard can't write women.
Nick and Katie look at the Ny'alotha finale cinematic and try to determine how it could have been better.
Nick and Katie talk about their experiences in 8.3 and begin to evaluate Battle for Azeroth now that it is completed.
Season 4
We conclude our Best Wishes for 2020 series with talk about Tyrande, Malfurion, Azshara, Zek'han, Xal'atath, Gallywix, Flynn Fairwind, Queen Talanji, Vol'jin, Bwonsamdi, Rastakhan, Saurfang, & more!
We continue our Best Wishes for 2020 by talking about Taelia, Calia, Lillian Voss, Thrall, Baine, Mayla, Lor'themar, Thalyssra, Gazlowe, Wrathion, the Dragon Aspects, Azeroth, Magni, and Khadgar!
We begin a three part marathon of best wishes for 2020! This week: The Windrunner Sisters, Turalyon, Anduin, Genn, Velen, Jaina and Derek Proudmoore, Mekkatorque, and Bolvar!
This week we look at where mechanics and story clash and how Blizzard's improvement as storytellers has helped to mitigate that, especially regarding death.
Nick and Katie are back after their hiatus! Katie went to Blizzcon! And they can't help but talk about all things Shadowlands!
We look at Vol'jin's past from his opposition to Garrosh to his death in Legion.
Back in August, Nick and Katie got hyped with some 8.2.5 datamining and tried to predict how things would be in October. Also, they compare BfA's narrative to other expansions.
We're back talking further about what Azeroth looks like with a corrupted Wrathion. Are the differences more surprising, or is it what's the same???
Nick and Katie couldn't wait to speculate on Sylvanas' powers, a death faction, and the new Warchief(s?). Its an special episode on the end of the War Campaign!
In part 1 of a What If focusing on Wrathion as we wonder how things would be if he had been born corrupted. We look at his history and consider his roles in Cataclysm and Mists of Pandaria.
Alisaunder joins Nick & Katie to talk about forgotten races, dreadlords, & more!
WoW runs back WoW Classic, and we run back our Classic talk with AJ9Livess.
Look back at the stealth pilot for Tauren & Goblin when Nick & Katie go deep on hunters before Legion and then lose their minds over the Chronicle Vol. I preview and that magic chart!
We celebrate 75 episodes with several friends of the show sharing their favorite quests from their time playing World of Warcraft!
Toshmifune and Taliep from the Halfhill Report join us to answer "Is BfA MoP 2?"
So much story! Mechagon! Azshara! N'Zoth! Thrall! Jaina! We get to it all!
Lich King Illidan in the West! Fel Arthas in the East! Who will stand and fight?
Gul'dan was evil, but at least he was never part of the Lich King...
Thoughts on Allied Races, the history of the Darkspear, & Vol'jin's bastard son!
This week's The Tauren & the Goblin should be called The Thrall & the Saurfang!
Nick is alone to talk about Patch 8.2 and Avengers: Endgame. SPOILERS ahead!
We continue reviewing the Horde War Campaign. Also, landsharks in Stormsong?
A Bwonsamdi theory and we look at the Horde War Campaign events in patch 8.0.
We discuss Vol'jin, Horde comments about Baine, and consider a player Lich King.
Nick and Katie discuss Blizzard's changing narrative style. Also druids!!!
We look at Vol'dun, home of the Sethrak, Mythrax, and the Goldtusk Gang!
Nick and Kaite ponder an Azeroth without Orcs. Things are bad to say the least.
Ali from Dungeon Fables is here to talk THE MOTHERLODE!! Also, Sylvanas!
We make wishes for what 2019 will bring to Azshara, Xal'atath, Saurfang, & more!
Season 3
It’s our first end of the year spectacular! We talk about ghosts of patches past, present, and future. Happy holidays everyone!
Nick and Katie discuss Nazmir and consider Gallywix as well as turtle wizards!
We're back with a look at the Blizzcon cinematics and the Wrathgate!
We review Zuldazar and ask why trolls are so vulnerable to backstabs?
Kaz & Frostee of The Worgen's Howl join us to chat about Worgen, Cosplay & more!
Rob & Darryl of the Training Dummies drink with us for Brewfest & Mike Morhaime.
This week the lads peruse over the newly released Developer Blog on Weapons for #TheDivision to and discuss briefly why 1.8.3 didn't fix the meta.
Nick & Katie redraft the Horde & Alliance. Also, Azshara Warbringers!
Nick and Katie are back to talk about the Horde introduction to Zandalar!
Kavo, AJ, & Gooch return to discuss Old Soldier, Lordaeron, Teldrassil, and more!
Celebrate Episode 50 early as Kavo, AJ, and Gooch join us to look at Sylvanas.
Emery joins us as we drift from War of the Thorns to Jaina to Legion and back.
Nick & Katie dive deep into Dalaran and the Kirin Tor, with the usual detours.
Nick & Katie talk about Heroes of the Storm and lightly look at Before the Storm.
Here is the first episode of the Azeroth Book Club, hosted by Britzza from Geeks of Azeroth, with Nick & Katie from the Tauren & the Goblin, as they talk about Richard Knaak's Dawn of the Aspects.
Nick & Katie look at Before the Storm & the E3 Story Panel. (mild spoilers)
Jaina may be a divisive character, but Magni is a unifying force.
A spoilery look at the Battle for Lordaron after a chat about waste management.
Nick & Katie consider what would happen if Metzen found himself in Warcraft III.
Nick and Katie detour to Chronicle Vol 3 through Hearthstone and BfA lore.
Nick & Katie have only just begun Chronicle III and already they have thoughts!
Nick and Katie go Alliance to shed their Horde bias. Does it work?
Kavo and Gooch from 3 Goblins join us to talk about BfA and Vol'jin's ashes.
We look at the Highmountain Tauren intro quest and deep-dive on Kobold lore!
We talk about class stories, the status of Battle for Azeroth, and Allied Races.
Britzza & Sleepy Gary join Nick & Katie to discuss the Patch 7.3.5 cinematics.
Rob and Darryl of The Training Dummies join us to talk about Class Hall lore!
Season 2
We ring in 2018 by sharing our wishes for their favorite Warcraft characters!
Emery is here to talk about Antorus and some PVP thoughts!
AJ9Livess is here to talk about classic servers and spoil the rogue class st
Kavo from Patch Day joins Katie to talk being two Goblins enjoying Blizzcon!
Katie is traveling so Alisaunder fills in to talk all things Battle for Azeroth!
Alisaunder joins us to talk about women in Warcraft, mounts, Old Gods, and more!
Nick & Katie welcome Dravvie to talk about this weekend's Running of the Gnomes!
This time we talk about Turalyon & Alleria and the Audio Drama! Also, Old Gods!
Katie returns to talk about mounts, Magni, and Turalyon & Alleria.
Nick hosts solo talking about Shadow, Argus, Alleria, and asks if WoW is fun.
We discuss our reactions to the Gamescom movies and then who is Kel'thuzad.
Have Nick and Katie been too hard on Genn Greymane, or is he just a jerk?
Can you give a planet the Curse of Flesh? Also, Knights of the Frozen Throne!!!
Emery joins Nick and Katie to talk about Patch 7.3. THERE WILL BE SPOILERS!
Nick's back but Katie's gone, so Kavo from Patch Day steps in to talk WoW music!
Join Alisaunder and Klanker as they chat about current events, our love for villanous figures, Anduin, and Khadgars favorite Champion.
Dravvie joins Nick & Katie to talk about the Running of the Trolls and warlocks!
Its a bit late for Mother's Day but Nick and Katie discuss Moms in WoW anyway.
Nick and Katie discuss working with the Forsaken. Also, the Riddler's Mind-Worm!
Emery is back to talk about Dark Mirror and the 7.2 and Anduin cinematics.
Nick & Katie welcome the new Hearthstone expansion by discussing Un'Goro Crater.
Nick & Katie FINALLY discuss the final Legion starting zone. Enter Azsuna!
Alisaunder joins Nick and Katie this week to discuss the rogue and priest questlines and free will for our characters.
Emery from Watchpoint Radio joins us to talk about monks and pandaren, and Katie recaps Love is in the Air.
Nick and Katie are back to talk about the Class Hall Champions revealed on the PTR.
New models found in Patch 7.2. Nick is intrigued by Anduin, BUT HEY NEW GALLYWIX MODEL OMG KATIE HOORAY!!!!!!!!
Nick tries going alone this week and talks about why he likes the lore and some of his crazier theories.
Season 1
Nick and Katie wish Anduin, Sylvanas, Jaina, and others a Happy 2017 (but not Genn. Never Genn).
Winter's Veil is a time of cheer, yet it pits Tauren reverence vs. Goblin greed.
Somehow the Tauren and the Goblin start out talking about Blizzcon stuff and get to talking about the role of Warchief in the game, and Gadgetzan.
It shouldn't have taken so long for a Tauren to talk about how awesome Highmountain is. New Tauren & Goblin!
More Blizzcon Hype from Nick and Katie, and then a super spoilery discussion of the Nighthold cinematic!
The Tauren & the Goblin focus on the Headless Horseman! Happy Hallow's End!
Nick and Katie talk about the story of Val'sharrah and the sacrifices made.
The Tauren and The Goblin #2 looks at Stormheim with a heavy focus on Sylvanas.
Nick and Katie discuss more Legion lore in The Tauren & the Goblin #1.5!
Nick and Katie discuss the lore leading into Legion on The Tauren and The Goblin!